Chapter 6

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Picture of Grace Ford on the side....


                                                     Chapter 6

One week before Thanksgiving break....

     Eliza and Penny were packing their things in their dorm room. Eliza asked, "Has Victor asked you to join him for Thanksgiving?"

     "No, Victor has not asked me to join him for Thanksgiving. Has Colin asked you?"

     "Colin has not asked me either. What do you think they are waiting for?"

     "I do not know but, it does seem very odd."

     "It is very odd. I do hope they do it soon or we will not see them for the break."

     "Is it not said that absence makes the heart grow fonder?"

     "Yes, that is what is said though; I do not like being away from Colin. This week is hard enough with midterms going on. I have hardly seen colin with the way our midterm schedule is wourking out."

     "I know what you mean. I have seen you moping around campus lately but, Colin is not avoiding you on purpose."

     "Eliza, my friend, you are hopelessly in love. I do not think that you are to admit that to yourself or to Colin."

     Eliza was silenced for the moment. The phone rang; Eliza picked up the phone, and said, "Hello."

     "Eliza this is Stephanie from the front desk." Stephanie said.

     "What can I do for you Stephanie?"

     "There is a Colin Ford down in the lobby wanting to come up to your room."

     "Send him on up Stephanie." Eliza said smiling. Eliza hung up the phone, turned to Penny, and said, "Colin's ears must have been burning because he is downstairs."

     Penelope laughed and said, "I seriously doubt his ears were actually burning. I will give the two of you some privacy."

     "Thanks Penny. I will see you at two for our math midterm." Penny nodded as she left their room. Eliza went to her door, watched as Colin approached with a dozen yellow roses in his hand, and said, "How sweet."

     Colin handed Eliza the flowers and said, "I thought I would surprise you."

     "Stephanie takes her job very seriously but, it makes us all feel safe."

     "Well that is very important."

     "Would you like to come in?" Eliza asked moving into her room. Colin followed, watched Eliza place the flowers in a vaxe on her desk, and then sit on her bed. "Thank you for the flowers they are beautiful."

     "You are quiet welcome sweetheart. How are you?"

     "I am much happier now that you are here. Come and sit." Eliza said patting her bed.

     Colin sat and said, "I am sorry that I have not been able to see you more. Our schedules seem to be very busy."

     "Yes, our schedules do seem very busy. I do not expect you to be with me every minute of the day but, I have missed seeing you though. How have you been?"

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