**I want to thank ash_shortyxo for becoming a follower. I hope that you enjoy my works as much as I have enjoyed writing them.**
Chapter 17
When Eliza woke up the next morning she felt groggy but really good inside. Eliza found Colin smiling down at her and asked, “Where you watching me sleep?”
"I was only watching you sleep for a few minutes. Did you know that you talk in your sleep?” Colin asked with a mischievous grin.
Eliza blushed and said, “Please tell me that I did not say anything embarrassing.”
“No, nothing embarrassing sweetheart but, you kept saying my name over and over again. Want to tell exactly what happened when you changed? I was not sure what happened because you were gone for so long. When I couldn’t reach you mentally I almost lost it but, the elders told me to wait for a few moments to see what would happen.”
“I am glad that the elders were able to keep you busy while I was out of it. The Moon Goddess and Mother Nature decided to grace me with a visit while I transformed. You could not reach me because I was on a different plane. ” Eliza said while stroking Colin’s face.
“So what exactly happened while you were with Mother Nature and The Moon Goddess?”
“Mother Nature gifted me with the full powers of a Nymph while The Moon Goddess gifted me with the power to change the color of my wolf when I want too. There was news about you as well but, I am afraid that I am not allowed to tell you about it.”
“That is amazing Eliza. It is a true gift that you were even able to visit with Mother Nature and The Moon Goddess. Why are you not allowed to tell me what they said about me?”
“They did not give me permission to Casanova. I wish I could but, I think Mother Nature and The Moon Goddess want to tell you on their own.”
“Would you like to know what your wolf looks like?” Colin asked while stroking her hair.
“That would be amazing.” Eliza said with a bit smile. Colin took a deep breath and brought an image into his mind of Eliza in wolf form and pushed it into Eliza’s mind. Eliza saw a wolf that was midsized, brownish/red fur, and long tail curled around its unconscious body. Eliza smiled widely and said looking up at Colin, “I think I look pretty awesome if I do say so myself.”
“You are the most beautiful wolf I have ever seen. I cannot wait to see your new abilities in action. ”
“I will have to have a talk with my mother about what else I can do know that I am a full Nymph.”
“That is probably a good idea. Charles, Victor and Penelope are anxiously waiting for us downstairs.”
Eliza smiled, got out of bed, and asked while heading the bathroom, “Can I speak with anyone in the pack now that I am a part of the pack?”
“Yes, you can. Why were you wondering?”
“Charles and Victor went through you to tell you that they were waiting for me instead of telling me themselves. I was just wondering if it was because they could not contact me directly.” Eliza smiled at Colin coyly before asking, “Want to join me for a shower Casanova?”
Colin was out of bed and striding toward Eliza before she could even take another step toward the bathroom. After a long, hot shower; Colin and Eliza changed before going downstairs and joining the elders, Penelope, Victor and Charles in the dining room. Colin and Eliza bid everyone good morning while fixing their plates and taking the two seats that were still open. Colin asked, “Where are Matthew and Camilla?”

By the Light of the Moon
WerewolfColin is the Alpha male of his pack. He has been 28 for five years waiting for his mate. At his new university he finds his mate and her name is Eliza Pope. Eliza is partially a Nymph which means that she can commune with nature, a talented dancer...