Chapter 13

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Picture of Professor Bouie....

Dedicated to my newest follower ViolaChasm. Thank you for the support.

**Some sexual content present. Read with caution.**


Chapter 13

Before Eliza knew it they were heading back to school from the break. She could not believe that the entire wedding was basically done. Oheka Castle was taking care of the menu, flowers, and set up so, all she really had to do was wait for the favors to arrive that she would put in boxes on the tables for the guests to have, decorations for the reception and chairs, and the gifts that she and Colin had ordered for their bridal party and groomsmen. Since she had Colin's fathers ring she had nothing else to worry about until it was closer to the wedding. Eliza was so excited to ask Madeline to be a bridesmaid that when they had coffee this week that was going to be the first thing that she asked her. Colin was going to ask Jeremy Hartley, his Omega, to be his other groomsmen. Things were coming together very quickly.

Penelope would wait until after Colin and Eliza's wedding before she started planning her own wedding. Eliza was so happy that they had each other during this time. Eliza had not told Penelope what she was thinking of doing because they never really had alone time during the break. Penny and Eliza were in their dorm room unpacking when Eliza said, "Penny I have something that I want to talk to you about."

Penny said as she hung up her last article of clothing, "Alright I am listening."

"I have decided to change into a werewolf."

"You want to be a werewolf?"

"Yes, I do want to be a werewolf. That is one of the reasons that we had dinner with the elders during break. The main reason was to see if I could even be changed into one. Colin is scared that something is going to happen to me during the change. I believe that everything will be fine."

"You are not going to change your mind about this are you?"

"No, it will be safer for me if I am a werewolf. Colin will not be able to be with me every minute of the day and I do not want one of the members of our pack to be following me around all of the time. I want to able to have a normal life. That will never happen if I stay human Penny. I can feel when Colin has sent someone to follow me around. If you look out the window you will see two members of the pack outside."

Penny went to the window, saw two huge men standing around talking to a group of students, and asked, "You think that he is going to stop sending an escort to follow you after you turn?"

"No, but I will at least be able to tell that they are from our pack and not Rouges. I will feel safer knowing who is around me."

"So, Why did you want to talk to me?"

"Well, because I will be changing at the end of November which, means you and I will still be living together. I just wanted you to know and besides you are my sister I do not want to keep anything from you."

"Does anyone else know about this besides the elders?"

"No, but Colin wants to introduce me to the members of the Conspicuous Calls and make the announcement then. He is going to be taking me back to his house so that I can make the change there. The elders want to see how the change affects me."

Penelope hugged Eliza to her and said, "I wish you good luck then. Will you tell me how it goes?"

"Well of course. I like that we can talk about all of this so openly with each other. I would hate to hide this from you."

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