Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Back at Eliza and Colin’s house…

Charles, Victor, Colin, Eliza, Lilly, Penelope, Madeline, and a few other members of Delta Zeta Delta were helping Eliza, Colin, Penny, and Victor move into their new home. While Charles, Victor and Colin were moving the heavy items the women were taking the boxes that were in the house and unpacking them. When dinner rolled around they were finally done and the houses felt like homes instead of empty spaces. Colin and Eliza treated their friends to dinner before they were able to return to their new home. Colin asked as they were cuddled in bed, “Are you glad that we are finally moved in?”

“It is definitely surreal. It seems like we just found each other.”

“I know what you mean sweetheart. I am glad that we are settled though. Now, you can concentrate on being the soloist, being co-captain and school.”

“Speaking of school, how is your dissertation coming along?”

“I am turning a rough draft in the first week of February and then my final dissertation will be due the first week of April. I have a few more pages to write but, they should be done soon.”

Eliza smiled and asked, “Are you excited about graduating?”

“The only thing that I am excited about is marrying you and that you will be there to watch me get my diploma.”

Eliza giggled and said, “I think we are both excited about the wedding. The staff at Oheka Castle called me today to confirm exactly what I wanted. Everything is set and all you have to do Casanova is show up on time in your tux.”

“The only thing that would keep me from our wedding would be a nuclear bomb. I have waited a long time to have you as mine my love and now we will be together as long as the Moon Goddess sees fit.”

“We still need to discuss Veronica and her father Hank.”

“I know we do but, we both have classes tomorrow and it is getting late my dear. Can we put that conversation off until dinner tomorrow?”

“Yes, Romeo we can put the conversation off until tomorrow. I plan on meeting Veronica sometime tomorrow with Penny.”

“Veronica will like that. Charles told me that she has never had many girlfriends.”

“Then Penny and I will be her friends and introduce her to the other woman at some point. Veronica will have more friends than she will know what to do with.”

“I am glad that you are so friendly. Now my sweet it is time for bed. We have a full day tomorrow and I need to get some sleep.”

“Good night Casanova.”

“Good night sweetheart.” Colin said before kissing Eliza on the lips.

The next morning arrived too soon for Eliza and Colin but, it arrived none the less. Eliza was in the kitchen making breakfast. Colin put his arms around Eliza’s waist and said, “I am so glad to wake up and find you in our kitchen. It is nice knowing that I will be able to spend all of my spare time with you.”

“Promise me that you will have two nights a week where you spend time with the pack and Charles. They deserve to have some of your attention as well as I do.”

“I promise to make time for them as well. Now come on let’s eat and get to school. Want to ride together?”

“I will not be done until late are you sure you don’t want to come back and work on your dissertation?”

“I would be able to get more done at the library. I need some more sources for my dissertation anyway.”

“Then riding together is fine. I will meet you at the library. I need to get a few books for my English class.”

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