Chapter 16

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Picture of Lilly Amherst...

Chapter 16

Eliza was in her room packing her things since she would not be returning to this room ever again. Eliza’s started letting the tears fall as she thought of the fact that she would never be living with Penelope again. Penelope looked at Eliza after she had asked her a question and not gotten an answer and saw that she was crying silently. Penelope walked over to Eliza pulled her into a hug and asked, “Why are you crying? You should be excited and happy.”

Eliza whipped her tears and said, “I am happy and excited but, I just realized that this will be the first time in three years that you and I will not be living together.”

Penelope started laughing and said, “Well you kind of are ruining my Christmas present but, Victor and I will actually be moving into the house next door to yours at the beginning of next year.”

Eliza threw her arms around Penelope and said, “That is wonderful news. When did you and Victor decide to do this?”

“Victor and I decided to move in together after you and Colin decided to move in together. Personally I did not want to live on my own either.”

“I am glad that you and Victor will be close by and you and I will still be able to see one another.”

“That is one of the reasons we chose the house right next door. You are going to need someone once Colin starts working full time.”

“You are probably right. Well I better get back to packing Colin will be here in a few hours to pick me up.”

“Victor and I will see you around Christmas which will also hopefully be the date of your transformation but, I suppose we will see how much you can learn while at Colin’s.”

“Do not worry yourself. I will learn everything that I must in order to be changed. Since I have nothing to worry about except learning what Colin is going to teach me.” Eliza kept packing until she was finished. She looked at her room and how clean it was and thought how much it looked like when Penelope and Eliza first arrived to the room. There was a knock on the door, Eliza went to the door, opened and found Colin, Victor, and Charles standing on the other side of the door. Eliza let them in after giving Victor and Charles a hug. Eliza asked, “Are all three of you here to help me with my things?”

“Of course we are. We would not let you and Colin do this on your own.” Charles said with a smile. Charles picked up a few boxes and then headed out the door.

Colin kissed Eliza on the lips and said, “We are going to take both of your things so we can drop it off at the houses before we leave to go to your house.”

Eliza raised her brow and asked, “Who is coming to my house with us?”

“Charles, Victor, Penny and us at least at the beginning. We will invite the rest of the pack once the transformation is complete and you have acclimated yourself to being a wolf. How does that sound?”

“It sounds perfect. I am excited to meet everyone else in the pack.” Eliza said picking up her bedding box. Colin smiled at her picked up three boxes and followed Eliza out of her dorm. It only took them about an hour to get all of Eliza and Penny’s things into the truck and then another hour to get there things into their perspective homes. Colin left Eliza with Penny, Charles, and Victor while he went to return the moving truck and pick up the SUV that they would be driving to Eliza’s home.

Once Colin returned everyone packed there things into the trunk and then got into the SUV. On their way to Eliza’s house they stopped several times so that everyone could stretch their legs, use the restroom and get snacks. When they arrived at Eliza’s Matthew and Camilla were standing outside waiting for them. When Colin stopped the car Eliza hopped out of the car and ran to her parents and gave them each a hug. While Eliza was hugging her parents Colin looked at Eliza’s home. It was an all brick two story home that looked very stately from the outside with the  large porch and balcony in the front.

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