Chapter 4

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Picture of Victor on the side-------------------->


                                                 Chapter 4

     Eliza had changed into her Majorette practice uniform and was jogging to the football stadium when Colin came running the other way. Colin whistled as he passed Eliza on the way back to the Conspicuous Caller house. Eliza waved and continued jogging. Eliza reached the stadium twenty minutes before practice was to start so, she pulled her hair into a ponytail, put her head phones in her ears, stretched, and started to dance to the music of the Major Marching Band.

     Madeline was sitting in the bleachers waiting for the rest of the dance team when Eliza ran in. Madeline was impressed that Eliza was taking initiative to be here early. Madeline walked down to the field and said loudly, "Eliza."

     Eliza stopped dancing, turned, took off her head phones, and said, "Madeline. I did not know anyone else was here yet."

     "What are you listening too?"

     "I am listening to the music that we will be performing to on Saturday by the Major Marching Band. I had them make me a recording that I could download to my i-pod." Eliza said holding up her i-pod.

     "That was really smat thinking Eliza. We can hook up your i-pod to my speakers so that we can all hear the music. I like the beginning part of the routine you were just doing. Let us go over this before the other girls get here." Madeline said holding out her hand for Eliza's i-pod. Eliza smiled and handed over her i-pod. Madeline asked, "Can you dance what you danced before?"

     "I can try." Eliza said smiling. Eliza tried to redo the dance moves that she had done before.

     After a few minutes Madeline said, "That was perfect and I like it. Let us do it together." Madeline restarted the song and they danced together. Madeline said, "Now this is what I was thinking for the next part and that will probably do for todays practice." Madeline showed Eliza what she had come up with.

     Eliza said, "I think that will work very well with what we have decided for the first part. Let us put both parts together." Eliza and Madeline were able to dance through both parts before the rest of the Majorettes showed up. The rest of the practice went off without a hitch. Eliza and Madeline were satisfied with the progress that the women had made tonight. Before Eliza left she turned to Madeline and asked, "Madeline are you my big sister?"

     "How on earth did you figure that out so quickly?"

     "You are the only senior film major on the Majorettes. However I did not know that you liked horror films."

     "I am glad that you figured it out so quickly because now I can start teaching you about Delta Zeta Delta."

     "Fantastic. I am very excited about learning about our sorority. Well, I will see you on Thursday. Would you like me to bring the c.d. that the band made for me so that you can have a copy of the music?"

     "Yes, please bring that next time. Here is your i-pod and thank you for taking the initiative to get the music. It will help in the future. Can you be here earlier on Thursday so that can talk and finish choreographing the dance routine?" Madeline said handing the i-pod to Eliza. "Good night Eliza."

     "Yes, I can get here earlier on Thursday. I will see you then and have a good night Madeline." Eliza said heading out of the stadium. Eliza threw her bag over her shoulder and started jogging back to her dorm. When she got back to her room, she threw her bag on her bed, grabbed her shower stuff, a pair of pajamas, and went to the bathroom on her floor. That night Eliza dreamt of Colin when she woke up the next morning she found herself smiling. Madeline and Eliza were able to get to know one another better on Thursday and were able to finish up the choreography for the dance routine. Madeline and Eliza came up with a plan to have coffee every week so that Madeline could teach Eliza about Delta Zeta Delta. The rest of her week went flying by for Eliza.

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