Chapter 2

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(Jason's POV)

I was so excited for Patience to come over to meet Jaxon and Jazmyn. I snuck a photo of her and showed it to them and they kept saying she was so pretty. Jaxon kept saying that she was my girlfriend. I just laughed. I hope she loves them. About an hour later there was a knock at the door. I opened it to find Patience and Maddie smiling back at me. I couldn't stop staring at Patience. She looked so beautiful. You could tell she just got a shower becuz her hair was still wet. I grabbed her hand and lead them into the living room where Jaxon and Jazmyn were sitting there. Jaxon and Jazmyn stood up and screamed "PATIENCE" and ran towards her and hugged her. It melted my heart seeing how much they already loved her.
"Jason, how do they already know me?" Patience asked and I blushed. I showed her the picture I took of her at the coffee shop.
"I snuck a picture and showed them. I'm sorry but you are just so beautiful. I had to show them." She blushed and she looked even more beautiful.
"Awe. Thats sweet. They are so cute." She said and hugged them. It was such an amazing sight. Alex and Maddie just left the house and Alex didn't even bother to introduce Maddie to Jaxon and Jazmyn. What an ass. I can't believe he's doing this again. He better not hurt Maddie like he did the last girl or this time I will hurt him. Severely. Maddie and Patience are too close and I care about her already too much to see her friend get hurt. If she does, Alex will pay. I looked back at Patience, Jaxon, and Jazmyn and they are sitting in the middle of the room talking and playing a board game. It's so cute. I go over and sit down with them. We play the board game until 9 when I send Jaxon and Jazmyn to bed. They ask Patience to come in and read them a story. After they fell asleep, Patience and I walked out into the living room and sat down on the couch.
"You wanna watch a movie?" I asked her.
"Umm sure. What ya got?" She asked and I logged into Netflix on the TV.
"Anything you want."
"I am in the mood for a scary movie but not the It movie. I will possible cry." I knew the perfect scary movie to watch too. I put on Friday the 13th. When the movie started I could feel her start to shiver with fear. I pulled her closer to me. She snuggled into my arms. Everytime there was a jump scare or a death she nearly jumped into my lap. Eventually I just pulled her onto my lap and help her tight. This had to be the best thing I have ever felt. I have never had a girlfriend that would let me hold her close to me and wanna cuddle with me. I started to play with her hair and she fell asleep on my lap. I ended up falling asleep too.
Around 3 am, I could hear someone coming through the door. I reached under the couch coushin for the pistol i had hidden underneath there. When the person came to view, I put the gun back and just glared at him. It was Alex. He ended up screaming at the top of his lungs at me and I wanted to just jump up and hit him becuz i knew he woke up Patience. Patience jolted up in my lap and then got off of my lap. I sat up and walked over and got into Alex's face.
"You don't got no fucking respect for people who sleep, do you?!" I screamed in his face. I could smell the weed on his breath. He was high.
"Sorry bro. Didnt notice y'all were sleeping." Maddie walked into the room and looked scared as hell. He just did a drug deal.
"You took her on a fucking drug deal?! Are you fucking stupid?! Do you want to get her fucking killed?!" I screamed. I had enough of his shit. He always fucked up things and ended up chasing away customers.
"What else was I supposed to do? You brought them over tonight and he needed his fix tonight or he was going to end up going into withdrawal. I cant let that happen. Remember what happened last time that happened? We lost a good friend. So this technically is your fault."
"You could've left her here. And I know that wasn't just a regular drug deal. You dealed to Andy. I can tell because you are high!" Alex pressed his forehead against mine and gritted his teeth.
"Don't you fucking dare accuse me of being high." Being this close to his face I new for damn sure he was high. I pushed him away and that was game on. He came after me and started swinging of coarse since I knew he was high I knew were he was gunna punch. He always punches your stomach when he's high. That's the highest he can get his hands and keep a fist. So after blocking all of his shots I fought back. I had enough. I slammed him against the wall. He then threw me onto the ground and got on top of me. As he went to go punch me, Patience ran over and tried to stop the fight. The next thing that happened completely had me in shock, anger, and i just wanted to kill him. As Patience grabbed his hand to stop him he brought his other hand up and punched her in the face. That was the last mistake that boy ever made. I pushed him off of me and once i got ahold of him I couldn't stop punching. It took Maddie and Patience both to get me off of him. He was so bloody you could barely tell what his face looked like anymore. We ended up having to rush him to the hospital. Maddie stayed behind to watch over Jaxon and Jazmyn. Patience and I were headed to the hospital with Alex in the backseat and my hands were very bloody.

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