Chapter 8

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(Patience's POV)

It has been a month since Jason has been home. Alex came home the other day. Maddie bawled. It honestly was way too cute. Alex ended up asking her out and she said yes. It was amazing to see Maddie happy. Jason kept mentioning how much Alex has acting different. The minute he came home he was different. He wasn't the same guy Jason had seen in jail just a couple months ago. Jason said it was good. He liked seeing Alex this way. It was the same way that he was back when they were teenagers and Jason first was discovered by his manager. He loved seeing the old, clean version of Alex. Not only that but Alex seemed to get A LOT more tattoos since he left. His whole body was covered. I am just glad he didn't get any face tattoos. Just pierced his face. Now you could actually tell Jason from Alex. We were hanging out in the living room and I ended up getting a text message from two of my old friends back in Pennsylvania. 
Mallory: Hey Patience! How have you been? How is Los Angeles?
Sarah: Hey Patience! How is LA??
Me: Hey Sarah. Hey Mal. How to you guys? Im doing good myself. LA is amazing. I have met an amazing guy and so has Maddie. We are really enjoying it out here.
Sarah: I'm glad to hear that. I heard your new guy was the Jason McCann, is that true?! And who is Maddie with?
Mallory: Yeah i heard the same. Are you really dating the Jason McCann?!
Me: *blushing* Haha yes. I am dating "The Jason McCann". He's so sweet and kind. He's just amazing.
Me: Haha thanks girls. That means a lot. So what have you guys been up to?
Sarah: On a plane.
Mallory: We both got promotions at our jobs and now are moving to.....
Me: Where?
Sarah & Mallory: LOS ANGELES!!
Me: What?! Really?! That is awesome!
Sarah: Yeah we are close to landing soon. Maybe we'll see ya there?
Me: Totally. I'll meet you guys at the airport. See ya soon. Miss you guys! So happy to see you again.
I was so happy that friends of mine from Pennsylvania were moving to LA. I missed Mal and Sarah. They were awesome. I'm glad to hear that they are coming to LA. Jason came over and wrapped his arms around me from behind. He snuggled his head into my neck. He kissed my neck, knowing what it does to me.
    "Jason, what are you doing?" I asked while snuggling my head against his.
    "I just wanted to know what you are doing, babe?" He asked and kissed my neck again. I knew what he wanted.
    "Well, I am about to go get ready to meet my friends from Pennsylvania at the airport. What are you doing, babe?" I asked and i could feel the disappointment in his body as he loosed his grip on me and stopped kissing my neck. I knew exactly what he wanted after that. He was now upset that he couldn't get that.
    "Oh cool. Can I come with you?" He asked and I grinned.
    "Yes, baby. You can come with me, but I want you they are fans." I said and showed him the messages.
    "Oh my haha. I don't care babe. I'm with you. Plus I love meeting my fans." He said and we got into the Lamborghini and headed to the airport. When Mallory and Sarah got off of their plane, they ran over and gave me a hug.
    "It's awesome to see you again girl! We missed you so much!" Mal said and squeezed me. They looked at Jason and their jaws dropped.
    "He's even hotter in person." Sarah whispered and I just started laughing. Then Mallory looked at me.
    "Patience remember when you used to always called yourself Mrs. McCann? Like you seriously had the substitute teacher call you that the one day in school the whole entire day. Then everyone kept calling you Mrs. McCann?" Mallory said and I started blushing. I could feel Jason standing behind me. I felt so humiliated. I put my face in my hands. Jason wrapped his arms around me and i could hear the smile in his voice when he talked.
    "Wow, babe, I didn't know you could predict the future. Why didn't you tell me this?" I was confused then. He just smiled even bigger knowing my confusion. "You predicted the wedding before it even happened?" He said that and my heart just dropped. Oh my god. Did THE JASON MCCANN JUST TELL ME HE WANTED TO MARRY ME?! Oh my goodness!! I was screaming inside. Mallory and Sarah just stood there giggling knowing what was happening to me. I just stood there blushing and internally screaming. Jason just turned me around and kissed me. Then came the phone call that could've ended our relationship then and there. I swear if I knew this was going to happen, I wouldn't have even fell for his charm. I never thought this phone call would've ever happen in front of me.

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