Chapter 12

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(Jason's POV)

*2 months later*

Patience has been getting sick a lot recently. She wakes up, pukes. She eats, pukes. And I haven't said anything to her but she had been putting on some weight from eating so much. I have tried to get her to stop eating so much but she won't. I just got up and yep, just as I thought, she was in the bathroom puking. I ran in and grabbed her hair, put it in a ponytail and rubbed her back. Just like I have been for the past month.
"Babe, you need to go get this checked out. Please." I asked her.
"Okay." She said through breaths. She wiped her mouth and then I walked her into the room and helped her get dressed. We left Alex and Maddie a note telling them we were going to the ER and then headed out the door. We arrived there a half an hour later and Patience was complaining she was hungry.
"Can you wait, please? You need to get this checked out first. You could have a tape worm or a stomach virus. Or both. We don't know." I told her and she just put her head down and mumbled ok. I walked up to the desk and told them what was wrong and they took her back immediately.
"We are going to have to take a blood sample." The doctor said and then looked at Patience. "Ms. Himes have you had sex recently?" Patience and I blushed remembering the night of Khalil's party.
"Yes. Like 2 months ago."
"Was protection used?"
"Ummm.... Im not sure. Jason?"
"I don't remember too much doc. I was drunk and so was she."
"Have you taken a pregnancy test?"
"Wait, you think im pregnant?!" She said.
"It is a possibility."
"But I am only 21. I can't have a kid this early."
"Well if you are there is the option of termination if you are ready. Or adoption."
"No sorry doc. That's very against my religion. I did the crime. I can do the time." She looked over at me. "Can you do this? I don't care if you leave, honestly. I just need to know now if you are leaving or not." Why would she think I was going to leave?
"No never. I am staying here. I would never leave you." I told her and she smiled.

(Patience's POV)

    I have started stressing about the fact that I have a baby growing inside me. I just couldn't believe it. Jason was being such a good guy about it too. Every time I needed something he ran and got it. Even if it was at 3 o'clock in the morning. He was up and out the door before I could finish my sentence. He always knew what I wanted. I loved him. He was such an amazing guy. I just feel bad that we got this whole thing dropped on us at this time. His tour is starting next year. Probably around the time the baby is due. He is constantly in and out of the studio. He never gets rest becuase he comes home from the studio and ends up taking care of me for the rest of the night. He is getting too wore out. I'm afriad it's going to take over him soon. He's going to shut down completely soon. I needed to get him help. So, I called the only person I could think of to call that I knew was close to me. Mallory. Maddie was busy with Alex and she already has been helping as much as she could despite her job. Sadly Mallory had to quit her job since she found a guy and she's now pregnant. I'm glad she's happy. Maybe we can help each other now though. So I called her.
    "Hey, Mal. How's everything?"
    "Hey, Patience! Everything's good. Almost time to have the baby. She's due in three months."
    "Awe that's sweet. I just found out that I am pregnant with one too. We don't know the gender yet. But the reason why I called you is because of Jason. He's overworking himself. Trying to take care of me and then in the studio all the time. He's exhausted. I don't know what to do. Can you help me?"
    "Of course! Congratulations too. Just do me a favor and don't let him make any plans for tonight. He's going out on a guys night. We are going to have a girls night."
    "Sounds fun. See ya soon. Thank you." We hung up and I called Maddie.
    "Hey Maddie. You and Alex are coming over to my house tonight. He's going out with Jason, Luke and Adam tonight. And me you Mallory and Sarah are having a girls night tonight." Maddie agreed with it and then hung up. The girls came over. We watched movies and ate popcorn and chocolate. And drank soda and tea all night. Ate ice cream. We had so much. We all ended up passing out in the couch on each other's shoulders. The boys came home and just left us all there. They figured it would be better not to bother the two pregnant women for sure.

(Author's Note: Sorry for taking so long to update. I have been working on my other story more often. I will be finishing this story soon.)

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