Chapter 13

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(Patience's POV)
It has been three months since we found out I was pregnant. Today we have our appointment to find out the gender of the baby. We have been arguing for weeks now about what we want it to be. I want a baby girl and I want to name her Nevaeh. Jason wants a boy and he wants to name him Jensen. I like the name but I have always wanted a baby girl. My parents and my little sister flew out a month ago and have been staying with us at Jason's house. Maddie and Alex have their own house now and Jazmyn and Jaxon returned back up to Canada with Jeremy and Chelsey. Jeremy said that when the baby is born they will come back to visit. I was nervous. We walked into the doctor's office and they instantly took us back. I lay back on the bed and lifted my shirt up over my stomach. The doctor rubbed cold stuff on my stomach and then started the sonogram. The doctor looked at me after looking at the monitor for a while.
"This is weird. I can't believe we didn't catch this last time." He said and continued looking.
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing's wrong but I must've overlooked the other baby."
"Other baby?" I said looking at him wide-eyed.
"Ms. Himes you are pregnant with twins." I started crying. I couldn't believe I was having two babies. Jason smiled at me and I smiled back. "And it looks like you both are going to get your wish. You are having two baby girls." This was the best day of my life. We decided to name them Neveah and Jacey. I couldn't stop smiling.
"Well now we are going to confuse everyone tomorrow when we are having the gender reveal party and everyone sees pink and purple confetti come out of the piñata." I said and Jason laughed. The doctor cleaned off my stomach and helped me up off of the bed.
"Congratulations to the both of you. Have fun at the party tomorrow."
"Thank you." I said and we walked out of the doctor's office and drove home.
*Skip to tomorrow*
"Patience, are you ready yet?" My little sister, Alexis walked upstairs and came into my room.
"Yeah, I am. I feel fat in this dress though." I said and then laughed.
"Silly, that's because you are pregnant. You have a little baby growing inside you." She said and I just smiled.
"Let's go down to the party." We walked down to the backyard and Jason and my families were gathered in our backyard. Eating and conversating. Uncle AJ and Uncle David were interrogating Jason. Maddie and Alex were talking to Aunt Nan and Paul. Natalie, Lil Dan, Jack, Cameron, Chelsey, Kiera, Lil AJ, and Jordan were running around the backyard. Uncle Bill and Uncle Josh were sitting at the one table talking and keeping to themselves. My brother, Wayne, was sitting on his phone ignoring everyone, of course he would be. I invited my uncle Bud, but he didn't come of course not, his bitch won't let him. Oh well, I am not fazed by it. He outcasted himself from the family once he married her. It was good to see everyone together. I walked over to the food and punch table and poured myself some punch. Jason walked up to me and smiled.
"You ready to reveal to them that we are having twins?" He said holding onto my waist.
"Yes, I am. Are you?" I asked and he nodded his head. I grabbed his hand and we walked over to the piñata that was filled with the color confetti of the gender of the baby.
"Attention everyone!" Maddie screamed. "Patience and Jason are going to rip open the piñata that will reveal the gender of their baby." Everyone looked over at us. I held one end of the piñata and Jason held the other. Maddie was standing behind me and Alex was standing behind Jason just in case we lost our balance. We both pulled on our ends until pink and purple confetti burst out and covered us both. Everyone stood there in shock.
"We are having twins and both are girls. I got the gender I wanted doubled. Haha" Everyone cheered. Everyone came up and hugged me and Jason and congratulated us. It was a good day. I couldn't believe I was going to have baby girls. Twins. Wow. This is incredible. But am I ready to be with someone and have twins and not be married? I promised myself when I was younger I wasn't going to have kids until I was married with someone I knew was safe and was going to stay with me. Will Jason stay? I looked over at him and smiled. I hope so. He means too much to me to end up not staying and being one of those guys.

(Author's Note: Sorry again that this chapter is also short. I am trying to make these better. It is hard to come up with stuff that doesn't make this seem like it's going on forever. Thank you for reading. Hope you enjoy this story so far. I am almost done with it. I might make a sequel to it. Comment what you think.)

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