Chapter 16

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(Patience's POV)

I heard Jason pull in the driveway. I got excited but then Nevaeh started crying so I comforted her. Then Jason just busted through the door with no bags just a small box. He got down on one knee in front of me and looked up at me with tears in his eyes. I started to cry. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach starting to form.

"Patience Himes, you are the most wonderful woman I have ever known. You make my life better than what it has ever been. You have blessed me with two beautiful baby girls." I said while looking at Jacey, who was lying in her bouncer next to the chair, and Nevaeh who was in Patience's arms smiling, "I couldn't ask for anyone else to spend the rest of my life with. We might be young right now but I know what I am feeling right now isn't puppy love or something that I think is love. This is love. This is forever and I need forever. When we had our problems before and split up, I thought it was over then, and not just our relationship, my life. You became my everything and without you honestly I don't think I would've survived these past several months when people were saying shit about you. It aggravated me very much and I had you there to help calm me down. We have two beautiful baby girls that need both of their parents in their lives. So would you please do me the favor and become Mrs. McCann?" He said and just stood there smiling and tears falling down his face. How could I say no?

"YES! YES! A million times yes!" I said and couldn't get up since I was holding Nevaeh. He came over to me and kissed me.

"Are you sure? This life isn't the best. I get followed everywhere I go and I get hate. I get depressed and-" I cut him off with kissing him again.

"Yes, Jason. I have never been more sure about anything in my life before. I promise you that I am 100% sure that I want to marry you. Screw the haters and the paps. I wanna be with you no matter what. It's me and you against the world remember?" He shook his head and slipped the ring on my finger. It was beautiful. I loved it. Now it was time to get the family back in town and plan the wedding but then I had a different plan. "Can we have two weddings?"

"What?" He said with wide eyes.

"Yes, I know they can be very expensive, but I want two weddings. One in the woods and one on the beach." He looked down for a second and let out a huge sigh, then looked back up at me.

"Why not? I love the woods and the beach and I secretly was hoping you'd ask to have it in the woods. I just love being in the woods."

"Ok but remember it is going to have to be a lot of camo. Trust me if you knew my family a little better, you would know that it has to be camo." He just smiled and we headed to bed for the night.

The next morning was hectic. Trying to get the babies ready and trying to make it to the wedding planner's office in time was just crazy. We finally got done and had just enough time to make it there if traffic was good. Lucky us, there was barely any traffic, which made the trip so much more easier. We got there just in time.

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