Chapter 10

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(Patience's P.O.V.)

We arrived at the party. Jason held my hand and walked me inside. Kahlil walked over to us he was smiling.

"It is good seeing you smiling again, bro. And it is very nice to see that face around here again I was afraid we wasn't going to see you again. I am very glad to see you two together again." I just smiled and looked down. Jason just squeezed my hand tighter and motioned me over to the kitchen. We grabbed a drink and sat down in the living room. He wrapped his arm around me and I just stared at the door watching all the people walking into the door. They seemed to keep multiplying. Some people came over and said hi to me and Jason and he kept having Kahlil bring us more drinks over to us. I could slowly feel myself becoming drunker by every drink I had. We arrived there about 8:00 and by 11:00, I was completely drunk. Jason was also drunk and he started to get feely with me. I didn't want to do anything here at someone else's house. So I went over to Maddie and Alex who were in the kitchen. I pulled Maddie to the side.

"Jason and me are..." I started stumbling into her. She held me up. "We are heading back to his house. Hehe Jerry is calling for me." Maddie smiled and looked at Alex. He walked over to us.

"We need to get these two home safely. They want to go back to Jay's house now." Maddie said and winked at Alex. He laughed and went over and got Jason. We walked outside with Maddie holding me up and Alex holding Jason up. Jason and I sat in the backseat of the Lambo and Alex and Maddie sat in the front seat. Jason and I were making out the whole way back to his house. They opened the front door and Jason picked me up and carried me up to his bedroom. We heard Maddie and Alex leave in the Lambo again and when we got to Jason's bedroom, he slammed me down onto the bed. He hovered himself over top of me and started kissing my lips first then went to my neck. He knew that was my sweet spot. I let out a small moan and he laughed against my skin. Then he ripped off my dress. He took the time to undressed himself after leaving a pretty noticeable hickey on my neck. After he was undressed, he started to kiss me again and he lifted me off of the bed and crawled under the covers and got on top of me. You can imagine how the rest of that night for us went. On the other hand this is how Maddie and Alex's night finished off. Not as hot as Jason and mine.

(Maddie's P.O.V.)

After we dropped Patience and Jason off, Alex and I headed back to Kahlil's. The conversation on the way over was pretty interesting.

"So how do you think that is going to turn out?" Alex asked me as we turned the corner off of Jason's street. I just looked at him.

"Well, it is kind of obvious what they are going to do."I said confused by his question.

"No I mean where do you think they are going to be after this? Just a couple hours ago Jason was ready to put a bullet in his head because he thought he lost her forever and now they are having sex. I just hope for the sake of Jason's life they get back together and forget about all of this." Alex said and i just froze. Jason was going to kill himself over Patience?

"Wait did you just say Jason was going to kill himself?"

"Yeah he was. He really loves her. This isn't like any of his other relationships. Not even Selena" As he said that, we pulled into the party and speaking of the devil herself. Selena was walking up the steps of Kahlil's house. I got out of the car and ran up to her.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked her. She turned around and gave me a snooty little grin that I just wanted to slap off of her face.

"You didn't hear? Jason is here. I want to see him. I miss him." I just grinned.

"You just missed him. He went home with his girlfriend. I heard they are getting pretty heated up in his bedroom right now. You are welcome to go check if you don't believe me. As a matter of fact, I will drive you there if you don't believe me." I smiled and she got very pissed let out a huge sigh and stomped back into her car and headed back towards her house. Which was gladly the opposite way of Jason's house. Alex and I walked back into the party and only stayed a couple more hours and then headed back to Jason's house. When we got there and opened the door, we gladly didn't hear anything. Either they were being really quiet or they were done and sleeping. We headed to bed and then the next week brought more troubles. First it was the results from the paternity test.

(Jason's P.O.V.)

Everything was going great between Patience and myself. She moved back into my house and we were doing great. We were together for three months today. June 8th. I was glad to have her back in my arms again. The downfall of today was I had to meet Selena at the doctors today to see if I was the father of her child. When I arrived, she was standing there waiting for me. She tried holding my hand and walk in with me.

"Let the fuck go of me! We are not together and never will be." I said and just walked into the building with her trailing behind me. I walked up to counter. "Hi. I am here to see the results of a paternity test?" The lady looked up at me and smiled.


"McCann." I said and she got up and pointed back a hallway.

"Right this way please." She said and I followed her back to the back room. The doctor was, surprisingly, already in the room waiting for me.

"Ahh, Mr. McCann. It is nice to meet you. I bet you are wishing it wasn't this way though." He said and I had to laugh knowing what he was referring to.

"Haha yeah totally. So, what are the results?" As I said that, bitchface walked in. The doctor picked up his papers.

"Well good news for you, Mr. McCann. You are not the father of these children. Sadly for you Ms. Gomez, you don't know the father of your twin babies."

"TWINS?!" I said, "Wow. Now that just makes me even more happier knowing that I am not the father because having one kid with you was frightening enough, two, wow that is just a full blown nightmare." I said goodbye to the doctor and ran out to my car. She followed me.

"JASON, WAIT!!" She screamed. I turned around and was completely pissed.

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?! YOU ALREADY NEARLY RUINED MY RELATIONSHIP! WHAT ELSE CAN YOU POSSIBLY RUIN FOR ME AT THIS MOMENT?!" I screamed not noticing how loud I was being. She started crying and that was when I left. I wasn't dealing with it. I drove home and pulled into the driveway to see my beautiful girlfriend through the window playing with Jaxon and Jazmyn. I couldn't help but smile. I was so happy to call her my girlfriend. I couldn't imagine my life with no one else. She is all that matters to me.

(Author's note: The next chapter is going to skip to Jason's concert that week. Where he will surprise everyone. By the way, thank you for staying here for this long. I really appriciate it.)

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