Chapter 5

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(Patience's POV)

Ever since they took Jason away, Maddie and I have been staying with Jaxon and Jazmyn in their house. We figured it would be better for them to be in their own house instead of having to adjust to our house. It already has been a month since they left. Jaxon and Jazmyn have just started school back up again. So one day while they were at school, I decided to read Jason's letter that I received the previous day.

Dear Patience,

How is Jaxo and Jazzy doing in school? I hope they are doing good. I miss them. Tell them that for me will you please? Also can you tell them that i love them and that i am trying my hardest to get out as soon as I can? How have you been sweetheart? I miss you so much. I haven't seen your face in over a month. I hate it so much. I miss being able to feel your beautiful soft cheeks and your soft lips. I keep your picture hung up by my bed in my cell. It's the only thing that keeps my going from day to day. Honestly it's getting harder without being able to see me. I wish you would come visit me but i understand why you don't want to and I don't blame you for it. It would make it harder for me if I was able to see you for only a couple minutes and then lay on this cold hard cot, they call a bed, without you. How is Maddie? Alex told me she has been writing him every week. They are getting closer. I hope they get together like we did. It'll be so cute when we get out to see them be together as a couple. How is Esther and Todd? I miss them so much. Do they cuddle with you at night? I be they do. Then again, they do like to take up most of the bed. At least Todd does. Haha! Well I'm going to get back to work. Two more hours and then I can go back inside and get my shower for the day and eat and then it's nap time for me. Goodnight babe. Kisses and Hugs for everyone. Miss y'all.

Love, Jason

I hurt sometimes reading his letters because I could only imagine the pain and hurt he was going through. To see how excited he sounded when he said he only has two hours left of work and then he gets to take a freezing cold shower and then eat disgusting food and sleep on a cold hard cot. I felt so bad that this has happened to him. Every now and then he'll ask me why I am waiting for him. All I can say is that he means everything to me and I can't let him come out of there without anyone to be there for him. He needs to know that he has someone other than his brother and sister and mom and dad to be there for him when he gets out. So that's why I wait for him. He needs someone to help him transition back into the real world without going back to the drugs. I write him back and then send it out in the mail on my way to the grocery store. I had to get food for Maddie, Jaxon, Jazmyn, and myself for the next week. Madison found a job out here so I stayed home and held the house down. I didn't mind it much because that gave me time to keep the house clean and the pets healthy. Most of the time it kept my mind off of missing Jason. There are those certain times when I am laying in bed at night or I am just sitting there watching TV by myself that I will cry and cry, but most of the time I can get through it. I haven't been doing it much lately since I know he is coming home soon. He told me his release date should be May 8th. He also said that if he did all his work and did this drug program they offered in the jail, which was as type of rehab, that he would get at least two weeks shaved off of his time in jail. Which would mean he would come home next week. Which I really hope happens because it would make Jaxon and Jazmyn so happy to have their brother home. Jason told me that since they got in there, Alex has changed. Alex refused to take the drug class, so he won't be released, for sure, until the 8th of May. I feel so bad that Alex has been going through what he has. Jason says its from the drug withdrawal and I one hundred percent believe that because I have seen first hand how drug addicts act when they are off the drugs for awhile. Jason admitted to me that he did do drugs but he wasn't as into it as Alex was. Alex got high every time he got his hands on it. Jason said he got high maybe once or twice a week. Which wasn't bad considering that he didn't even do that much when he did get high. It still bothered me that he got high in the first place. But the fact that he is getting clean is amazing. I know that his fans would love it. I know they have been freaking out since he got put away. I have been trying my best to keep up with them on social media and everything but at times it gets hard. My dm's have never been blown up so much in my life. I have girls messaging me everyday asking about him. I try to answer them all but there are just so many of them. Maddie has tried to help and answer some of them too but even then there is still too many girls asking about Jason. One time this girls asked me if Jason was actually in jail or was this a publicity stunt to get Jason more pity. I almost flipped out on that girl because while I am sitting at home without my boyfriend, she gets to live her life like she's used to. Then other girls ask me how I am holding up, those are the girls I answer almost everyday. They are so sweet. They tell me how much they support me and Jason. They honestly make me feel so special and they also always crack me up when they talk about how much of a dork can be.

When I finally got home, Jaxon and Jazmyn were just getting off the bus and Maddie was getting home from home. I went inside and put the groceries away. Then I helped the kids with their home work. The normal routine on Tuesdays. Jaxon then asked if Maddie or I have heard from Jason or Alex lately. Maddie told them that Alex was doing okay and that he missed them. I knew the fact that he is doing okay was wrong because Jason told me that, but I knew that Alex missed them because Jason told me that he could tell the missing piece in Alex every time they talk about the kids. I told them that Jason asked how they were doing and that he said to tell them that he loves and misses them. Maddie made dinner as I finished helping the kids with their homework. After dinner, I made the kids get showers and put them to bed and then I headed to bed. I just had too long of a day. I went and laid in Jason's bed for another night alone. I curled up with Esther and Todd like I always do and fell asleep instantly. My dreams didn't really help me on the wanting to stay asleep part though.

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