Chapter 3

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(Patience's POV)

When we arrived at the hospital they took Alex to the back and got him cleaned up. They refused to let Jason back there because they saw the blood on his hands. Jason told them that he was just protecting Alex from gang bangers. They didn't call the cops but I knew they didn't believe him. Jason ended up with a couple bruises on his ribs and a bruise on his face. After the doctors took care of Jason, they let me into his room. I walked up to him and grabbed his, once bloody, hands. I ran my fingers over his knuckles. He flinched when I ran my finger over the cuts that where on his knuckles from punching Alex.
"Jay, why did you freak out like that?" I asked him. He just put his head down. I put my fingers under his chin and lifted his head so that he was looking at me in the eyes. "Jay, tell me why you flipped out like that." He sighed and looked me in the eyes. I could see tears form in his eyes. He then stared at the bruise that was on my cheek from when Alex punched me.
"He hit you. I don't like guys abusing women. Especially someone I care about." I blushed and without thinking I pulled his face closer to mine and kissed him. After a couple minutes of kissing him, I started to really enjoy it. It was such an amazing sensation. I never felt this way with any of my exes before. Jason had this, this thing about him that made me so fascinated with him. He wasn't like most guys you meet. He just was totally different and in this moment in the ER with my lips pressed against his and my hands in his, it felt like no one else existed. It was just Jason and myself. Together. I guess you can consider this as the day we got together. Yeah I know it seems messed up in many ways. Like we seriously just met each other the day before and his brother punched me in the face and I also watched him nearly beat his brother to death but there was still that something about him that made him different. Something that lied deep beneath the surface. When I saw how he interacted with Jaxon and Jazmyn, it was just so amazing. Looking at how the media made him look as a singer and looking at how he really was in real life were completely two different people. Yes, I did learn tonight that Jason McCann is a drug dealer, but he also is a caring big brother and a big hearted guy. For only being 22, he was very mature. The doctor walked in interrupting us. The doctor looked at me.

"Ms. Himes, Alex can have a visitor. I can fill you in on his condition on the way over there. Mr. McCann, I want you to stay here and keep ice on your face to try to get that bruise down ." Jason nodded his head and I kissed him on the cheek and followed the doctor over to Alex's room. The doctor told me that Alex was okay. All the damage that was really done was that his nose was broken and he had a black eye. The most of the damage that was done to his body was he had one broken rib and a couple bruised. Before we went into the room, the doctor stopped me.

"Did you know that Alex was high on marijuana?" The doctor asked me and I got scared because yes I did know he was high but I didn't want to tell the doctor that and get in more trouble than we already were.

"No, doctor. I didn't know he was high. When he came home he seemed drunk but I didn't know it was he was actually high."

"Wait, did you say when he got home? I thought you said he got jumped in the street?" The doctor was really confused and now it got bad. I think I just compromised our story.

"Yeah, he was home. He got jumped outside of our house. That's how Jason helped him. If it weren't for them jumping him at the house he could've ended up dead because Madison couldn't have helped him and Jason was home with me and Jaxon and Jazmyn." The doctor shrugged his shoulders and ignored the whole conversation we just had. I walked into the room to see Alex. He looked ten times better than what he did when we first got here. He looked at me questioningly. I walked over and told him we were going to take him home. The doctor made me sign the release forms and told me to make sure I ice my face. I told him I would and Alex and I walked out and got Jason and headed home. I sat up front with Jason and Alex sat in the back staring at us. Jason was holding my hand while he drove. It was such an amazing feeling being able to feel his hand in mine. When we got back to the house, Jaxon and Jazmyn were out on the porch and it looked like they were on the phone. Jason walked up and asked who they were talking to.

"It's daddy!" Jaxon said and with that Jason took the phone.

"Hey, Dad." Jason said. He was silent for awhile . I couldn't hear what his dad was saying but by the look on Jason's face it wasn't good. "Okay, Dad. I got it. I will take care of them. How long are you guys going to be gone?" Jason was silent again then he said goodbye and hung up the phone. "Great just fucking great." Jason said and walked into the house. Everyone followed him inside, Alex leading us.

"Jason, what's wrong?" Alex asked.

"We have to stop the deals for 6 months." Jason said and I motioned Maddie to take the kids into the back room. They didn't need to hear any of this. I had a feeling by the look on Alex's face they were going to fight again. I stepped between them.

"Alex, I understand that you are mad. I can tell by your face that you are pissed off right now but you and I both know that one Jason has a vailed point for this and two this shouldn't have ever started any where near your little brother and little sister. So I think it should stop for more than 6 months. I think it should stop completely. They look up to you guys, especially Jaxon. Do you want him growing up and dealing and doing drugs too? I know I don't wanna see him doing that and I know for damn sure neither one of you want it either."

"Jason are you really going to listen to someone that you just met?" Jason nodded his head and walked up to me and put his arms around me.

"We are done dealing drugs. I am also done with doing drugs. I want to have a life." Jason lifted up his shirt to show his tattoo across his stomach. "Son of God. That is who I am. That is what I have always been. Doing and dealing drugs is sinning. Alex, I'm done sinning." Alex just out his head down and rubbed his hand over his stomach. He must have the same tattoo.

"Alright. We'll stop, but you know there is going to be a lot of people after our asses because we are done dealing drugs." Jason knew this and he was willing to deal with it. We went back and grabbed the kids and headed to Starbucks and got breakfast. People kept staring. That's when the paparazzi showed up and ruined our perfect day out.

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