Chapter 14

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(Jason’s POV)

*3 days before the due date*

    Patience has been distant since the gender reveal party. She hasn’t been all cuddly like she used to be. Yet her emotions have been all over the place. I guess that’s what you get when you have two baby girls growing inside you. Or two babies period. Or even just a baby at all. I mean I heard about a woman emotions going all over the place but damn, I didn’t realize they went all over the place this bad. I mean one night she wants to cuddle, the next night she wants sex, then the night after that she doesn’t want me to touch her, and then the night after that she is curled up in a bawl crying on the edge of the bed. I wish I knew what to do to help her. The past couple of nights she has been complaining of some pressure she was having. I kind of just thought maybe because the babies are due soon it was just the feeling of them getting in position or something. We were sitting in the living room on the couch, cuddling, and watching a movie. All of a sudden, she stands up and her jogging pants became soaked.

    “Did you just piss yourself?” I asked being stupid.

    “NO YOU DUMBASS! MY WATER JUST BROKE! THE BABIES ARE COMING THREE DAYS EARLY!” I started to panic. Was something wrong that they were coming earlier than they needed to? I didn’t know what to do other than to help Patience into another pair of jogging pants and rush to the hospital. When we got there Patience was freaking out.

    “Her water broke. The whole way over here, she was huffing and puffing and she is breaking a sweat like crazy. I don’t know what to do.” The nurse put her hand on my shoulder.

    “It’s ok. This is normal. We are going to take her back to the delivery room. Will you be joining her?” Patience looked up at me with pleading eyes.

    “Yes, I will be going back with her.”

    Patience kept freaking out. The doctor kept telling her to calm down. Every hour the doctor would come back and check how much Patience was dilated. When we first got in there she was only half a centimeter dilated. Then after an hour, she was 1 centimeter. Then it didn’t move. It took three more hours before she was up to 1.5 centimeters dilated. Why is this taking so long? After about two more hours she only moved another half of a centimeter. I thought this process was shorter? Every now and then Patience would almost lift herself off of the bed from a contraction. I hated seeing her in this kind of pain. Why aren’t the babies ready to come out yet? I want her to stop hurting. Three more hours and she was 3 centimeters dilated. What the heck? After looking at the clock and seeing what time it was, I seriously couldn’t believe we were in here that long waiting for the babies to be delivered. We have been sitting in this room for 12 hours now and the doctors said she is only 7 centimeters dilated.

    “Is there anything we can do to speed this up? We have been in here for half of a day now and I still haven’t met my daughters yet.” I asked the doctor and he shook his head.

    “Mr. McCann there is no way of rushing this. The process of pregnancy is a slow and patient process. We just have to wait until the babies are ready to come out.” I sighed and sat back down in my seat next to Patience, who was sleeping at the time. Then she was woken up with another contraction. The doctor ran in. After the contraction was over they checked how much she was dilated now, only 8 centimeters. Ugh what the actual fuck? I am starting to get sick of waiting. Then Patience lifted herself completely off of the bed in pain. She was screaming. The doctors came running in and tried to get her calmed down. She finally stopped screaming. She was dripping in sweat. The doctor checked how much dilated she was again and then looked at me.

    “She’s ready. Your daughters are coming.” Then the room got hectic. Everyone was rushing around, getting covers on and the nurses handed me one. Also a hair cap. I put it on and went up to Patience and held her hand. I thought the delivery was going to take as long as it did to get up to this point, but it was faster than I thought. It took about 5 minutes to get them both out. I got a good look at my baby girls. They were beautiful. We went home the next day. They were completely healthy. We got a picture of them for their first day home.

The one on the left is Nevaeh and the one one the right is Jacey

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The one on the left is Nevaeh and the one one the right is Jacey. They were beautiful and I loved them both from the time I laid eyes on them. They are my pride and joy. I can’t wait to watch them grow up but I want them to stay this small forever. We finally found a way, after a couple days, to be able to tell them apart. Nevaeh is a little chubbier than Jacey is. I couldn’t be happier, but then reality hit when my phone rang.

    “Hey, Jason. Don’t forget we leave for the tour in about two weeks and you have to finish that one song you have been working on, which is coming out very well.” Scooter said. Man I wish i could take a break from this.

    “Scooter, can we talk about this some other time? I am spending time with my baby girls right now. And when are you coming over to see them? I already have had about ten people come over and see them. They are beautiful, Scooter. I never thought I would be this in love with two people but I do. They are my life. I honestly don’t wanna leave them but I know I have to.” I heard Scooter sigh.

    “I knew this was gunna happen. I am sorry, Jason. You can’t leave your fans now. After this tour, which is short, I won’t have anything scheduled for a while so you can spend time with your girls. I actually was planning on coming over today, if that was okay. I know how it is to be a dad. It is an amazing experience. Just you have to remember that they are going to need to have a roof over their heads and they need one of you two to be working. So you aren’t getting a big break here, just remember that. You need money to be able to take care of them.” Scooter said and I knew all of this already so I actually had him tuned out for a bit. I didn’t need this speech again. My parents already gave me this speech. I just look back down at my daughters. I smiled. These two angels were my pride and joy, my world, my everything. I would never leave them but I knew I had to for my fans. I couldn’t let them down. No matter what. They were my family before my actual family. I can’t let them down. I swore on it. I promised them that for as long as they believe in me, I will never stop believing in them.

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