Chapter 15

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*1 Year Later*

(Jason’s POV)

“JASON! JASON! JASON! JASON! JASON!” You can hear the crowd from backstage just roaring. I am at my last concert of my tour. I have been gone for exactly one year. I got to go to my baby girls’ one year birthday party. I can’t believe I missed one whole year of their lives. They are crawling now and Patience has been trying to get them to walk. They have started mumbling things now. It comes out as gibberish but it’s adorable. I am back in California for my last concert of the year. Finally finishing the Purpose Tour. Then I can stay home with my baby girls and be able to take care of them for a little bit. I got dressed for the first performance. The schedule for tonight was:

1. Mark My Words
2. Where Are Ü Now (Jack Ü cover)
3. Get Used To It
4. I’ll Show You
5. The Feeling
6. Boyfriend
7. Cold Water (Major Lazer cover)
8. Love Yourself
9. Been You
10. Company
11. No Sense
12. Hold Tight
13. No Pressure
14. As Long As You Love Me
15. Children
16. Let Me Love You (DJ Snake cover)
17. Life Is Worth Living
18. What Do You Mean?
19. Baby
20. Purpose
21. Sorry

This tour was one of my favorites because I was able to get close and personal with my fans.

This was the only time I was able to bring someone on stage from the audience since the One Less Lonely Girl set we did years ago. I honestly missed that. One thing I had a problem with though was getting the phones shoved in my face constantly. It felt like all they were there for was to get an up close and personal picture with Jason McCann. It really bothers me that they think like that. I mean I try to share my life story with them and they just want their pictures. Yes there are still true fans out there that want just to have this personal time with me and are able to enjoy it. Those fans I like to call my. They mean the world to me. They know who they are. They are the ones whose first reaction when they see me is to open their arms for a hug not to pose for a picture or take out their phones to get a picture. I actually am glad that this tour is almost over because one being away from my girls has been driving me crazy and two the drama that has happened during this tour is just crazy. I posted pictures of Patience and myself on my Instagram and my so called “fans” hated on her. I actually am glad that she didn’t see those because some of the comments were just nasty. So at first, I just disabled the commenting on my pictures, but then it got worse. People were reposting the pictures and tagging me in them and just saying nasty stuff about Patience. One person even said that they “wished that Jacey and Nevaeh would have been aborted because Jason is mine and no one else’s. Those babies don’t need to be in this world if that is their mother.” After reading that comment I just deactivated my Instagram all together. I couldn’t deal with it anymore. My fans were turning against me and I didn’t have any control over it. I felt like the guy that was arrested 3 years ago. It was a horrible time in my life and my fans were tested. Were they going to stay or were they going to leave? Well my questions were answered when I was proven to be innocent and I got out of jail and it felt like my fans almost tripled. My comeback was bigger than my rise. And now my fans were turning again by dissing my girlfriend and making everything just worse.

    After the show was over I went back to my hotel and quickly started packing.

    “Jason, calm down. We are heading on the road tomorrow. You will be home with them tomorrow. I promise.” Scooter said and I just ignored him and kept packing everything. “Jason, I am talking to you.” I kept ignoring him. “Jason.” His voice kept getting louder and I got close to finishing all of my packing and Scooter grabbed my shoulder and whipped me around to face him. “Jason I am talking to you. You are supposed to acknowledge me when I am talking to you. Just because you are turning 23 in a couple of months doesn’t mean you can just walked around like you don’t have to listen to me. Now why are you packing everything right now when we aren’t heading back until tomorrow?”

    “I’m going home tonight. I am not waiting for tomorrow. I haven’t seen my baby girls since their birthday. Which also means that I have missed a whole year of their life. I can’t miss anything else. I am going home tonight whether you like it or not.”

    “Now there is the father version of you I have been waiting for all night long. Let’s get that car ready and get you home, son.” I smiled and grabbed my stuff and went down to the front of the hotel where there was a car already waiting for me. I got my stuff in the back and all of the sudden I could hear screaming. Girls screaming. I ran and jumped into my car and told the driver to get going and to step on it. I need to get home as soon as possible. I couldn’t wait any longer. We headed towards the house I shared with my girlfriend. While we were heading there I looked over and noticed a jewelry store open.

(Patience’s POV)

I got my tattoos finally done today. They were amazing. They hurt but I wanted them so badly. I them both on my arms. I got them for my baby girls. I got an angel and Nevaeh’s name for her and for Jacey I got a wolf howling at a purple moon with her name for her. The wolf was for my dad who passed away when I was young. The reason for the purple moon was Jacey’s name means purple and moon. The reason for the angel for Nevaeh is because her name is Heaven spelled backwards.
I couldn’t wait to show Jason these. I hope he likes them.

(Jason’s POV)

I screamed at the driver to turn in there. I figured this was the perfect time to ask Patience to marry me. She has been there for me through everything. We have to beautiful baby girls. It was time to propose. I ran in the store and looked around. I was passing a shelf when it shined in the light, the perfect engagement ring I have ever seen.

    It was the one. I knew it. I could just see it. I needed to do this. She meant the world to me and it was just time. I bought the ring, which wasn’t cheap, and also found a matching wedding band for her.

I kept looking trying to find matching ones for us. I ended up finding two that looked awesome together. So I didn’t get the original one I had for her. I loved the new ones better. So wedding bands were picked out and I had the engagement ring. I paid for everything and headed home to propose to the woman of my dreams. We got to the house and pulled in the driveway. I didn’t wait, the minute I saw the lights were on I ran inside with the ring in my pocket. I saw her sitting on the couch holding Nevaeh. I smiled and crouched down in front of her on one knee. I looked her in the eyes, tears slowly filling them with the amount of joy I was feeling at that exact moment. She smiled and started crying also. I pulled the ring box out of my pocket and opened it.

    “Patience Himes, you are the most wonderful woman I have ever known. You make my life better than what it has ever been. You have blessed me with two beautiful baby girls.” I said while looking at Jacey, who was lying in her bouncer next to the chair, and Nevaeh who was in Patience’s arms smiling, “I couldn’t ask for anyone else to spend the rest of my life with. We might be young right now but I know what I am feeling right now isn’t puppy love or something that I think is love. This is love. This is forever and I need forever. When we had our problems before and split up, I thought it was over then, and not just our relationship, my life. You became my everything and without you honestly I don’t think I would’ve survived these past several months when people were saying shit about you. It aggravated me very much and I had you there to help calm me down. We have two beautiful baby girls that need both of their parents in their lives. So would you please do me the favor and become Mrs. McCann?” I poured my heart out to her and just sat there waiting for an answer. Hoping it is going to be yes.

(Author’s Note: Purposely leaving you guys on a cliffhanger because I want you guys to try to guess what she is going to say. Will she say yes and will they be one big happy family or will she say no and will they split up and the babies will be forced to live a life going back and forth between their parents’ house? Or will Patience say they are moving too fast and try to get him to propose later on? Find out in the next chapter.)

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