Chapter 7

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(Patience's POV)

I was sleeping on Jason's side of the bed. My alarm clock started ringing and I sat straight up in the bed. Today was the day. Jason was coming home from jail today. Oh my god! I couldn't believe it. I wanted to get up early and get all dressed up for him since I missed him so much. I got up and got a shower. Then, I blow dried my long hair. I wanted to keep it down since it was so pretty. My hair is naturally straight to it fell perfectly down my back. I got dressed into a really cute outfit and did my make-up. I looked down at my phone to check the time. 12:00 pm. A half an hour to go before I can pick Jason up at the jail. Oh my, I was getting nervous. I haven't seen him in a months and a week. It feels like forever. I kept all his letters and every letter I got, I fell more in love with him. Literally, I loved this boy and I swear to him that I'll never leave him. That will be something that I will stand by for the rest of my life, I will never leave his side. I looked down at my phone again after staring at myself for about 20 minutes and saw that it was 12:15. Better head on my way. It should take me about 15 minutes to get there. I headed out and got into my car and started on my way to the jail to pick up Jason.

When I arrived to the jail, I pulled into a parking spot out front and walked inside. I was getting more and more nervous as I got closer to the door. I haven't seen him in, what felt like, forever. I walked inside and saw him sitting there. I couldn't stop myself. He looked right at me and stood up. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around him. He picked me up and spun me around. The make-up that I had on, ran down my face in tears. I was so happy. I never felt so happy before in my life. Other than the time I met Maddie for the first time. We stood there for a little bit just like that.

"You don't understand how much this means seeing you right now. God, I missed you way too much." Jason whispered in my ear. I just giggled into his ear and hugged him tighter, which seemed impossible at the time but I did it. After about two more minutes, I finally got down out of his arms and went up to the officer standing behind the desk. He handed me papers to sign. I did and then he handed me Jason's release forms and Jason and I walked out holding his hand and I drove him home.

When we got home, I walked him inside and he got attacked. First Jaxon and then Jazmyn. They started crying and then that's when the tears rolled down my cheeks more. This was the most amazing sight ever. Then came the question that could make your stomach go from butterflies to stab wounds quickly.

"Where is Alex? I thought he was coming out today too?" Jaxon asked and Jason, Maddie and I just dropped our heads. How were we going to explain that Alex ended up getting another month added onto his sentence for sticking up for Jason while in jail and beating the crap out of another cellmate?

"Well, Jaxon, there was this one guy that was in jail with started to pick on me. Alex stepped up and told him to back off. When the guy didn't do that, Alex beat him up for it because of that, Alex ended up getting another month in jail because he beat him up. He will be out in one month and two weeks. I promise." Jaxon just nodded his head and hugged Jason again. It was the most beautiful sight I have ever seen. When they were done being cute as fuck, Jason went upstairs and got a shower. I just sat downstairs and waited for him. I couldn't believe he was home, but something seemed awkward between us. Almost if the separation made it weird between us. Then I got a text from him asking to come upstairs. When I got up there he was laying down on the bed all curled up under the blankets. He smiled when he saw me.

"Come lay wiff me, pwease." He asked and lifted up the blanket. He was laying there in nothing but boxers. I laughed at him.

"Can I get changed into something more comfortable first?" I asked him and he nodded. I grabbed a tank top and a pair of shorts and ran into the bathroom that was joined to our bedroom and got changed. I walked out and crawled into bed with him. He wrapped his arms around me and snuggled his head into my neck. My back was facing him but I loved being this close to him again. He tangled his legs with mine and he just laid there. I closed my eyes and just felt the moment. I didn't want to see or hear anything, I just wanted to feel his body against mine and be happy. I ended up falling asleep in his arms. I felt so protected and safe in his arms. No one else in my life but my mom made me feel this way.

About 5:00, Maddie snuck into the bedroom to wake us up, but not before she took a picture of us. She woke us up and we went downstairs to go eat. Maddie ended up making an Instagram post about the picture. The caption read:

"Look at how cute they are! So glad to see her finally happy. I love ya, sis. And welcome home Jason. Can't wait for Alex to get home and our big family is back together again."

I blushed after seeing that post. It was so cute. We ate dinner and then watched a movie that Jaxon and Jazmyn picked out. It happened to be Finding Dory. It turned out to be a good movie. I was cuddled up with Jason and he was so intrigued it was too funny. He was such a child, but that's exactly what I loved about him. He could make you laugh by how childish he can be, but it was in such a cute way. I couldn't get over it. He was just amazing. Jaxon ended up falling asleep while watching it. Jason carried him upstairs to bed and Jazmyn followed us. She fell asleep instantly. After the kids were in bed, it was time for the adults to watch a movie. I picked out Ride Along and Ride Along 2. I have always wanted to see Ride Along 2. So we cuddled up and Maddie made a surprise drink for us. I figured it out within the first second of drinking it.

"Jack Daniel's root beer float? Oh my god. It's been awhile, Maddie. Do you remember playing beer pong with these drinks? Oh my god was that a fun night." I looked at her and she just laughed. I looked up at Jason and he had a quarter of his already gone. "Jeesh, someone was thirsty." I said and he nodded.

"Sorry, it's just been forever since I have had alcohol." He said and took another sip. We started to watch the movie and Jason was done with his drink already after half of the movie. He made himself another drink and kept drinking. I got scared because of how much he was drinking at once. We were done with Ride Along and he already had two drinks done and starting on his third. "Jason, slow down. That is a lot of alcohol." I said and he just smiled at me and kissed me sloppily. I knew he was drunk and drunks always scared me. I hated getting drunk because I ended up getting flashbacks.

"Let's go upstairs. I want you to myself." He whispered in my ear. I didn't want to hurt him, but I wasn't ready for that in our relationship yet. I also didn't want to get flashbacks of the night with Ryan in the apartment by myself back home. Ryan was the reason why I begged my mom to let me move to LA. He kept stalking me. I couldn't do it anymore. I can't let that happen right now with Jason.

"Jason, not tonight please." I said and he just snuggled his head into my neck again like he did before.

"What did he do to you?" Jason asked me and I just felt my heart drop because the amount of anger I heard in his voice just scared me.

"Who?" I asked him confused.

"I don't know his name but I know someone hurt you and if I find him, he won't be living anymore. I don't care really at this point what he did. He'll suffer."

"Jason, it's fine. Honestly. Just let's watch the movie and then go to bed." He could tell I didn't want to talk about it at the moment. He dropped the subject. We watched the movie and then went to bed. Jason ended up drinking two more drinks after that. He had five drinks overall. I'm so glad he just went to bed afterward. He wasn't happy after the first movie and it wasn't because I rejected sex. It was because he knew someone hurt me back home and he wasn't done trying to figure out who it was and what they did to me. He wanted them to pay for what they did.

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