Chapter 11

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(Patience's P.O.V.)

We walked into the arena and we had front seats to Jason's concert. I was so excited to see this. He kept saying that tonight was going to bed and surprise for all of us. Even me. We got to our places and sat there waiting for Jay to come out and perform. When we were sitting there all of the sudden everything got dark and the beginning of "Confident" started playing and everyone started screaming, including me and Maddie. He came out on the stage and was singing and dancing and once he noticed me, he couldn't stop looking at me. I just kept smiling. Then before he started singing No Sense, Which was halfway through the concert, he stopped to speak.
"As you all probably know, I am and very beautiful girlfriend." He smiled down at me as the whole crowd went nuts. "Well little did some of you know, she's in the audience right now." The crowd went completely insane. Then they started chanting.
"PATIENCE! PATIENCE! PATIENCE! PATIENCE!" They were screaming. I couldn't help but blush.
"Awe look at that. You guys are making her blush." Jason said and I felt my face get hotter. "Could you guys mind helping me by inviting her up on stage with me?" When Jay said that, their chants got loader. I was blushing like crazy. Then Scooter came up to me and grabbed my hand.
"Follow me." He said and he took me backstage and then onto the stage. I locked eyes with Jason and smiled. The whole crowd was going crazy. I just ignored them because it wasn't helping my issue of stage fright at all. I walked over to Jason and get hugged me.
"Everybody, I would like to introduce you to my beautiful girlfriend, Patience." The crowd went wild and I couldn't stop smiling. "How would you guys like to see Patience and myself perform together on stage, right now?" The crowd went completely wild then. I am pretty sure people in Vegas heard that roar. He looked at me and gave me that smile. "So what will it be, babe?" I leaned over to the microphone and looked at the huge crowd.

"Why not. Let's do it!" I said and then looked at Jay and mouthed, "No Sense?" He shook his head and the music for No Sense started to play. Jason and I already had a dance made up for the song, so when he looked over at me, I knew we were doing that dance. As soon as Jason started singing, I started doing the dance. We had so much chemistry on stage and I knew the crowd could feel it because they were freaking out. Jason grabbed me around the waist and picked me up at the end of the song and kissed me. Everyone freaked out and in that moment, it was just Jason and me. Then when he put me down all of a sudden, a new song that I have never heard before started playing. Jason smiled at me. I didn't know what was happening until he grabbed me around my waist and looked me in the eyes and started singing.
" Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah

I won't let the night stand in my way
I know what I want, I know what I get, yeah
I'm only here to find you, you
All I need is you by my side
All I wanna do is lay down next to you

'Cause all I need is one love, one love, one heart
'Cause all I need is one love, one love, one heart
Baby give it to me
'Cause I don't want-want nobody when I got-got your body
Baby no no nobody has got what I need
'Cause I don't want-want nobody when I got-got your body
Baby no no nobody has got what I need tonight

See I've made mistakes time after time, time, time
But no not today, won't leave 'til I find what I'm looking for
I'm only here to find you, you
All I need is you by my side
All I wanna do is dance under the moon

'Cause all I need is one love, one love, one heart
'Cause all I need is one love, one love, one heart
Baby give it to me
'Cause I don't want-want nobody when I got-got your body
Baby no no nobody has got what I need
'Cause I don't want-want nobody when I got-got your body
Baby no no nobody has got what I need tonight

Your love is like a roller-coaster
The way that you take my breath away
It feels like I'm slowly falling deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper

'Cause all I need is one love, one love, one heart
'Cause all I need is one love, one love, one heart
Baby give it to me
'Cause I don't want-want nobody when I got-got your body
Baby no no nobody has got what I need
'Cause I don't want-want nobody when I got-got your body
Baby no no nobody can give it to me
'Cause I don't want-want nobody when I got-got your body
Baby no no nobody has got what I need
'Cause I don't want-want nobody when I got-got your body
Baby no no nobody has got what I need tonight." The song ended and the crowd cheered. I never heard that song before but it was amazing and I was standing there in Jason's arms crying and smiling. "Baby, I love you so much! I wrote that song for you while I was stuck in jail. I hope you liked it." I grabbed the microphone out on his hands.
"I loved it baby. I love you." I said and kissed him. The rest of the night was amazing. When we got home we laid down and feel asleep in each other's arms. Another thing I loved about him.

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