Chapter 4

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(Patience's POV)

Just as we arrived at Starbucks, we were ambushed with cameras. They kept asking Jason who I was and they asked Alex who Maddie was and they were shoving cameras in our faces. Jason and Alex just pushed through them and we entered the coffee shop. Surprisingly they stayed outside of the coffee shop and just stood there taking pictures of us. I got so irritated. Why were they bothering us? Jason looked at me.

"Patience are you sure you want to do this?"

"What? Be with you? Well of coarse I do, Jason. Why wouldn't I?" He put his head down.

"Because this happens nearly everyday of my life when I leave my front door. It even sometimes happens when I am home. They will sneak behind my house and into my yard just to get a picture of me and get a story. They try to find everything out about me. I can't keep anything a secret." Just then Jason's phone beeped. He opened it and then punched the table. "I KNEW THEY WERE GOING TO DO THIS SHIT!" He looked out the window. "FUCK YOU ASSHOLES!!!" I grabbed Jason's phone and saw that he had an email from Scooter linking to a website that showed pictures of Jason and me walking the streets. The headline read, "How Long Will Jason's New Girl Stay?". I had so many emotions at once. I didn't know how to react.

"How long is your new girl gunna stay? So I am nothing but a new girl to them?!" Jason could tell I was pissed. He hugged me and when we were done eating we headed back to the house. When we got there, there was an unusual car sitting in the driveway. Jason and Alex looked at each other and yelled for Maddie and me to take Jaxon and Jazmyn inside. We did so but watched out the window and whoever it was wasn't too happy.

(Jason's POV)

When we walked up to the house, I saw the red Mustang sitting there and knew right away who was waiting for me to get home. All I could think was, "Oh shit." I looked over at Alex. He looked back at me; he knew exactly what I was thinking. We turned towards the girls and the kids.

"GET THE FUCK IN THE HOUSE NOW! TAKE THE KIDS!" We yelled and they went in. If this visit was about what I thought, we were about to be majorly fucked up. They got out the car and Travis faced me. I could tell he was pissed off.

"So Jason McCann, you think it's funny to sell us a terrible batch of heroine and kill our boy Ronnie?" Oh shit. Ronnie was dead because of one of our batches that's never good. Especially Ronnie. Ronnie was everyone's friend but he could also easily be your enemy. He also handled all of Travis's money, with Ronnie dead then Travis had a higher risk of being robbed. Travis hated the fact that Ronnie was hospitalized by a batch of someone else's drugs and I heard that Travis had them killed, but another story I heard was that they were sent to jail because of Travis. I can't go to jail now. Not when I am the main caregiver for Jaxon and Jazmyn right now.

"Travis, what are you talking about? Your batches are always the best. They shouldn't have killed Ronnie, unless he took a damn good bit of it at one time and that is impossible to do because they don't make needles that big. So I don't understand how Ronnie is dead?" I said and looked at him. He was still pissed. He looked at the window; Jaxon, Jazmyn, Maddie, and Patience were looking out the window at us. He pulled out a pistol and pointed it at my head.

"How about we let your little brother and sister and your girlfriend watch you die right now?" I looked up and saw Jaxo and Jazzy and Patience crying. I couldn't let them watch me be killed. Alex stepped in.

"C'mon, Travis. I'm pretty sure we can settle this any other way. Besides, that was our last batch. We are no longer dealing or doing drugs. For our little brother and sister. So c'mon, Trav, let's settle this another way." Alex and Travis went far back. Travis always did what Alex said because Alex used to be the head of Travis's gang before he left because he was done with the violence. Travis put the gun down and looked at Alex. "Ronnie will be missed dearly, but are you damn sure it was our batch of heroin that killed him because I have heard that Ronnie has been buying off someone outside of LA and they have shit mixed in with their heroine that has been known to cause many overdoses?"

"Where did you hear this?" Travis looked so confused.

"From Andy the other day. I was dealing to him and he asked me if I heard about the guy dealing out of LV. I told him no and Andy proceeded to tell me that Ronnie told him that this guy was selling good batches of heroin that you only need 1 milligram to get as high as taking in a regular amount of regular heroin. The only set back was it was making the overdose rate go up; so many people don't buy it. Ronnie was secretly buying off of this guy." Travis got mad.

"I want $5,000 from you guys by the end of today or I will get the cops on your ass. I think it's time to pay Andy a visit and get that guy's name."

"Travis, seriously?! $5,000 by the end of today?! We can't do that!" Alex said and Travis just smirked.

"Do it or end up behind bars." Travis said and then he left. Alex and I walked inside and before they could say anything, I cut off Maddie and Patience.

"Do either of you know anyone we could get $5,000 off of?" They looked at me like I was retarded.

"$5,000 for what?" Patience asked.

"To keep us out of jail!" Alex screamed. Patience shook her head. She didn't know anyone. Maddie also shook her head. Damn it. I went and checked the safe and we only had $2,950 in there. We needed $2,050 more to pay off Travis. I called up my mom, my step mom, and my dad no one had the money for it. Shit. Shit. Shit. I am so fucked right now. I called Andy. He didn't pick up the phone. I tried calling all of my friends and no one had money to lend to me. As all this hassle was going on, I got an unexpected phone call from my ex.

"Selena? What the hell do you want? I thought I blocked your number from my phone?" She started talking about how much she messed up and about how she's willing to take me back. "I don't love you anymore, Selena. Goodbye." I hung up and then realized how fucked I was now. I was going to jail. For God knows how long. Fuck my life.

(Skipping to 8:30 p.m.)

Travis's Mustang pulled into the driveway and that's when my heart sank. The cops were right behind him. That's just fucking great. Alex and I have tried all day to get the rest of the money. I walked out with the bag in my hand.

"Travis listen, we could only get $2,950 of the $5,000. Can we call it even there?" I asked him. I knew it wasn't going to work, but I figured it was worth a try.

"If you don't hand me the full $5,000, you and you're brother will be locked up for 2 months." I just put my head down. Alex stood right next to me. We were finished. We were heading to jail. I handed Travis the amount of money we had and he motioned the cops to arrest us. They put the cuffs on us and Patience and Maddie came running out of the house. Patience kissed me and whispered into my ear.

"I will be here when you get out. I don't care how long it is. I will wait." She said and kissed me again. Maddie and Patience were crying as we pulled out of the driveway and headed towards the jail. That would be the last time I saw her beautiful face and felt her soft lips against mine for 2 months. She wrote me while I was in there, but she even told me in the one note that she refuses to see me in jail because it'll just break her even more. Plus she couldn't leave Jaxon and Jazmyn at the house while she came and she sure the hell wasn't bringing them to the jail to see their brother behind bars. So we communicated through letters. I was so surprised when she told me she was still waiting for me. I couldn't believe it. Why would she wait for a criminal? Why? What was so special about me? I never understood why she waited for me.

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