Chapter 1

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It is the day after my 21st birthday. My parents are letting me move to California. I have always wanted to live there. It looked so beautiful. I had everything packed up and I was saying my goodbyes. I got a text message from my friend I was moving in with.
Maddie: Hey are you ready yet? Plane leaves in an hour.
Me: Yeah just let me say goodbye to Alexis and ill be ready.
I hugged my little sister and told her goodbye.
"I'll come visit as much as I can." I said then got into my truck and headed for Maddie's house. After i picked up Maddie. I went over to airport. We got on our plane and was on our flight. Heading to LA. It seemed like we were on that plane forever. Finally we landed in LA on March 7th. We got our stuff at the baggage claim. Then got into a taxi and went to our new apartment.
After we got settled in, we decided to go out and get a little bit of sight seeing in before the day was over. We saw a Starbucks and just had to stop. Starbucks was out favorite coffee shop. I know typical white girls haha. Anyway we walked in and went up and got our coffee. Well Maddie got coffee but I got a cappuccino instead. I'm not a big fan of coffee. We sat down and were drinking our coffee and just talking when I noticed to identical twins across the room looking at us. They were pretty good looking. The one had a lot of tattoos and the other had a few on his arms.
"Maddie, do you see those two guys over there looking at us?" I said and blushed as I accidentally locked eyes with the one with tattoos.
"Oh my god! They are so cute. I like the one that has only a couple tattoos. And those blue eyes, oh my god. I love his eyes." I was sort of blocking her out as I was getting lost in the guy with the beautiful blue eyes' eyes. He smiled a very sneaky smile and then they walked over to us.
"Hey. I couldn't help but notice that you guys looked new around here. My name is Jason McCann and this is my twin brother Alex. What are you guys' names?" The one with all the tattoos' name was Jason. I loved that name. I used to have a best friend named Jason.
"Hi, Jason and Alex. My name is Patience and this is my best friend, Maddie. Yes we are new around here we just got here today." I said and Jason got the biggest smile on his face when I said my name was Patience.
"Patience wow, what a lovely name." Jason said as he turned his head to the side. Written down the side of his neck was a tattoo that said "Patience".
"Patience! He has your name written down his neck!" Maddie said as I just sat there in shock. They asked if they could sit down and we said yes. We all just sat there and talked for awhile. I learned that Jason and Alex's parents were out of town for a couple weeks and they asked us if we needed a place to crash since we just moved here. Since we already had an apartment we declined the offer of staying there until we found a place but we did make sure to get their numbers. I mainly talked to Jason. He was such a nice guy. He was very sweet and very flirtatious. He kept smiling at me and we actually learned a lot about each other. I found out that Jason's biological parents split up before he was born and that he has two little half-siblings. A little brother, at the age of 7, named Jaxon and a little sister, age 8, named Jazmyn. He showed me pictures of them and they were so cute. He invited me over to his house later to meet them and I figured why not. When I looked at the time, I didn't even notice that we were talking for so long. It was nearly 7 pm. So I told Jason that I would come over around 8 I would just need to get a shower since I didn't get off the plane until late and i felt nasty. So we left the coffee shop and headed back to our apartment. Maddie could not stop talking about Alex the whole way back to the apartment. She kept saying how pretty his eyes were and about how he smelled really good. After Maddie was done with her little rant I told her that I got invited over to meet Jason's little brother and sister Jaxon and Jazmyn.
"Oh my god! Lucky!! Can I come with you guys?!"
"I don't know. Let me ask Jason." So I texted Jason.
Me: Hey Jason. It's Patience from the coffee shop. Maddie wanted to know if it was ok if she came with us to go meet Jaxon and Jazmyn?
Jason: Oh yeah that's fine. Tell her I'll bring Alex too. They seemed like they hit it off pretty well. If you know what I mean? Lol
Me: Haha yeah. She really likes him. I swear she nearly gave me a head ache talking about him. Like omg she can't stop talking about him.
Jason: Omg. He is being the same way!!! HAHAHAHA that's hilarious. We gotta set them up.
Me: Yeah...... We should set them up.
Jason: You don't seem to happy about that. You alright?
Me: Oh yeah im fine with it. Just thinking thats all.
Jason: Haha. I like you too. We should get together sometime. Just me and you.
Me: Awwe Jason. Thanks. I would love to get together just me and you. When you free next?
Jason: Let me check.
A few minutes later he responded back.
Jason: I'm available tomorrow night until Thursday. Let me know when you wanna get together?
Me: Wait, you wanna go on a date with me??
Jason: Hells yeah i do. Your hot for one. You have a big heart for two. And you don't think of me as just the famous guy that sings.
Me: Wait your famous????
Jason: Ouch that kind of hurts. But yeah I am.
Me: I'm sorry. I didn't know that. What do u sing?
Jason: Pop music mainly. Have you heard the song "Purpose"?? That's my most recent famous song.
Me: "You give me purpose. Everyday yeah you given me purpose. In everyway"! OMG I LOVE THAT SONG!!! THAT SONG SAVED MY LIFE!!!!
Jason: Yeah that's the song. Im so glad you like it and that it saved you. Very glad.

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