Chapter One

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                  All of us are looking for a fairytale in life. We all want that one magical moment that would change our life for the better to happen. But, we never realize that life itself is a wonderful fairytale, because we refuse to accept that not all fairytales have a happy ending. Happy endings only comes to those who work hard to attain it, it isn’t something you just wish for and leave up to fate, it is something that you would get once you use everything in your power to achieve it. In the end, we ourselves would define the ending of our very own fairytale.

            And so the story begins with fairytale-like first meeting. The damsel-in-distress meets her knight-in-shining-armor in a troubling time. Dianne Clark was abroad for a seminar then, she was lost in the foreign city without any clue, and that was when her knight-in-shining-armor came to her aid.

            Dianne had an instant connection with the knight. The time they spent together was a collage of romantic movie clichés. They toured the city together, ate together, and did a lot of things that one would mostly see in a movie. They grew closer each moment they were together, and by the end of the week, the two of them shared a magical kiss as the sun sets. But after that weekend, Dianne flew back home, and she never had the courage to contact the knight again. For Dianne, what happened in that foreign land was a wonderful dream, and if they ever meet again, she would be lost, not knowing what to do.

And when that wonderful dream was over, Dianne came back to her reality. Dianne Clark was a new manager at, Lovell Crown Mall, the largest mall in the city. A mall owned by the Lovell Group.

            Getting in that position wasn’t easy for Dianne. She came from a humble but happy home. When her mother died five years ago, she didn’t even think that she would even finish college, but thanks to her uncle, she did. And so, getting that position, standing in front of that huge mall, gave her a great joy and sense of achievement. In a sense, it was kind of a fairytale for her.

             With a huge smile, Dianne entered the mall. A warm welcome greeted Dianne at the office, and as always, Dianne gained a few acquaintances in an instant. Her smile shine beautifully among the crowd, and no one would even guess how tough her life really was.

            “So how is it, are you still nervous?” Helena, the head supervisor asked.

            “A bit, yeah…” Dianne answered honestly with a small smile as Helena walked her towards her desk. “I hope I don’t disappoint…”

            “With your record, I doubt it.” Helena said with a smile. “Anyway, do you have any question?” Helena asked.

            “Mmm… Well, I want to know the chain of command here.” Dianne said as she fixed her stuff on her desk. “I don’t want to look like a fool when I meet my boss unexpectedly.” Dianne said jestingly.

            “I see. I’ll send you a copy of the file later.” Helena said with a smile and then left.

            Dianne begun her work immediately and as time passed she found her mind wandering. She kept on remembering her knight in that foreign land. She didn’t really want to disappear from him, but just before she went back home, something happened. Something that made her realized that she and her knight were too far apart. Their worlds were just so different that it could never meet.

            After that kiss they shared, after she finally boarded the plane, Dianne thought that they would never meet again. But like any other movie or fairytale, the two of them are meant to see each other again in the most unthinkable way. At least, for the both of them.

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