Chapter Nineteen

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            Dianne hates funerals, she hates burials, and she detests goodbyes. The thing that she hated most, at that time, as she stood in front of the huge mausoleum, as she watched and thanked those who are leaving, was the fact that her brother, Xavier, seemed so miserable.

            The expression on Xavier’s face was beyond sad, beyond miserable, beyond sorrowful. It was a blank. It was very painful to Dianne to see him like that.

            Xavier’s life changed after what Yvonne did.

            At that time, Kristen tried to stop her mother from doing any more harm, but Yvonne was already pushed too hard on edge. Yvonne had lost any semblance of sanity that time. Dianne was scared, not of her, but of what she could do. Time stopped when Yvonne pulled the trigger, for a few moments everyone stood motionless. It was only when Raphael fell down on the ground and Xavier screamed in sorrow that time moved again for everyone.

            Yvonne was sent to jail after that. Raphael was rushed into the hospital, unconscious. And that was how Xavier started to change. Xavier would have a constant sorrowful expression on his face that was only made worst by Raphael’s grandfather refusing to let Xavier visit Raphael.

            Xavier never stopped trying, insisting, and pleading to see Raphael. About two weeks after the incident, when he was at the hospital trying his luck, Armando died peacefully on his sleep.

            With Raphael’s condition and Armando’s death, Xavier turned for the worst. Ever since then, he would always have a blank expression on his face, and to make things worst, Xavier never uttered a word, not even a single one. He just stopped talking altogether.

            It was Armando’s burial day and Xavier was sitting at the front row in between Adrian and Dianne. He still had that blank expression on his face and Dianne felt horrible, knowing that she couldn’t do anything to make him feel better.

            Dianne felt guilty as well. She felt guilty for even suspecting that Armando was up to something when he easily accepted Raphael and Xavier’s relationship. In the end, his acceptance was not a ploy but a simple act of a dying grandfather wanting to see his beloved grandson happy until his last breath. It was regretful, that Armando left the world while Xavier’s emotions were in deep turmoil.

            The burial ended and Xavier stayed behind, Frederick Lovell was beside him, consoling him. “I’m worried…” Dianne said as she watched Xavier from afar. She turned to Adrian. “If only I know another way to return him to his old self again…” She added.

            Adrian pulled Dianne closer to his side, as his arm was around her shoulders. “I’m still trying my best to talk to Chairman Verrall… No matter how I plead, the old man wouldn’t budge…” There was certain regret in Adrian’s voice. “Even though it pains me to admit this, but Xavier needs Raphael… That man… He’s the only one that could change back our Xavier…”

            “I’ve never felt so useless before… Xavier is my brother, and yet I can’t even do anything for him…” Dianne sighed.

            “Is he still inside?” Uncle Byron asked as he approached Dianne and Adrian.

            “Yes…” Dianne replied. “How about Grandma, is she alright?” She asked.

            “She’s just a little bit exhausted because of the heat, but she’s fine now. She’s cooling off inside the car with your Aunt Kaila.” Uncle Byron replied. “We had to convince her really hard to rest; she wanted to be beside Xavier at this time.”

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