Chapter Seventeen

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            At first, Dianne couldn’t understand why Grandma Deborah would lie about the necklace. In the end, she understood her grandmother’s feelings. “That necklace was the only thing that your father left you, the only reminder of him that you could have, but at the same time, it is also a reminder of the pain he caused to our family. I couldn’t stand not giving it to you, as it was your father’s last request, but also, I couldn’t bring myself to let you know who your father was, so I lied.” Grandma Deborah explained.

            With the necklace, the key, finally on their hands, Dianne could finally feel that things were coming to an end. That finally, things would be resolved, their father’s killer would finally be caught, and Xavier would finally return home. All that was left for them to do was fetch the box in Xavier’s room.

            “We’re so close, Dianne.” Raphael said as he squeezed Dianne’s hand tightly on their way out of the Clark’s house. “Once we find out who the killer was, Xavier could… no… would definitely go back home.” Adrian said in a very hopeful tone.

            Dianne knew exactly what Adrian’s priority in that matter was. It was not about finding whose responsible for Walter Lovell’s death, it was, and always has been, about Xavier finally returning to them.

            There was a certain happiness brought about by hope in Adrian’s face. Dianne knew that he was just too excited to be with Xavier again. Dianne was happy as well; she couldn’t help but feel excited that finally her delayed reunion with her brother would happen.

             They were on their way to the Lovell Mansion when Dianne got a call from her secretary. Apparently, Yvonne Lovell had made her move. Yvonne called for an emergency Board Meeting with regards to another failed contract of the company; a contract that Yvonne must’ve sabotage on her own.

            “We have no choice.” Adrian said. “We could get the box anytime we want, but if we missed this meeting, then who knows what Yvonne would do.” He sighed. Dianne knew how frustrated he was feeling at that time. Yet again, their reunion with Xavier would have to wait.

            When they reached the Lovell Group’s main office, everyone was on their toes. Dianne could just feel that something eventful was happening.

            Dianne couldn’t blame the Board Members if they wanted to replace her, she couldn’t blame them if they prefer Xavier to head the company over her, and quite frankly, Dianne also thinks that Xavier is more suitable for her position. After all, Xavier had been trained to head the company ever since he was young. Besides, Dianne felt uncomfortable leading such a big company; she wanted a much simpler life.

            “Dianne…” Adrian called as he entered the office. “The Board Meeting is starting.”

            “Yes…” Dianne said as she stood up. She was nervous, there was no denying it. At that very moment, Dianne had a heavy responsibility of protecting the company that was their father’s legacy. It was also up to her to make sure that no one could steal what’s rightfully for Xavier.

            Adrian walked towards her and then held her hands. Then without saying anything, Adrian leaned closer and gave her a short but sweet kiss. “Everything would be fine. I know for the past few days you’ve been the one encouraging me, so right now it’s my turn. We’ll protect this company together.” He said and then gave her a tight hug.

            That sweet kiss sure was enough to make Dianne feel a lot better. It was embarrassing to admit, but it was true.

            The door of Dianne’s office opened and Mr. Davidson entered. “Ahh, it’s a good thing you’re still here, Dianne. I have something that would help secure your position.”

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