Section 1 - Article 3

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Article 3 - Attack Plan of the Devil and the eventual Victory of

the Lord

This article discusses the fragility of mankind, and why we are fragile

considering that we are children of the Almighty God. It also further

elaborates the purpose of our existence on this fallen world and how the

Enemy of God, using us to hurt God, is actually working within the grand

plan of the Almighty.

Human beings are weak and fragile creatures. Our lives can end with

a horde of accidents and diseases at almost any time. One would wonder

why and how we can still be called His children especially when He is the

Almighty Creator. Something seems amiss. And to consider the weaknesses

of our parents – Adam and Eve, who readily fell to the Serpent's temptation

to reach out to not only touch, but also to consume the forbidden fruit. At

this point in time, they were in a perfect world, the intended paradise for

man, and yet through the words of a Serpent, Eve readily disobeyed God's

direct commands. It would seem that Adam and Eve had an existing

weakness for sin. How and why can this happen when the original world

was meant to be perfect? And why is Man built for this predisposition to



Adam and Eve were clearly given choices. If the tree of knowledge of

good and evil were not placed in the garden itself, there would be no choice.

It is clear that the Lord had allowed the freedom of choice in Eden. And it would be preposterous to even consider that the Lord was not aware or could

not stop the Serpent from tempting Eve. Therefore, let us first establish that

the incidents in Eden were a permitted freedom of choice. So why is this

weakness built into Man? In addition to the freedom of choice, let us also

consider the addition of the popular explanation that God wants us to go to

Him in our own free will for it is hardly love if one were to create beings to

love without the ability to choose not to. There is no true love if there is no

choice to not love. With this choice also comes an ability to choose

disobedience or else the Lord would not have told Adam that he was free to

eat whatever fruit except the forbidden fruit (Genesis 2:16-17). In addition,

the Lord told Adam the consequences should he choose to eat the forbidden

fruit. Therefore there is clear freedom of choices available for Adam to

choose to obey or disobey God.

Therefore the ability to choose and be creatures of free will, leaves a

weakness in Man to sin. The Bible did not tell us how much time had passed

since the warning of God to the creation of Eve, nor how long it took till the

Serpent tempted Eve and brought on the Fall. It could be a long time or it

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