Section 1 - Article 16

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Article 16 - Theological Titles

This article cautions on the danger of relying on theological academic titles as a gauge of Holiness. No one, whether a holder of a Doctorate in Divinity/Theology or not, is perfect. All have sinned and need God's grace. Similarly, caution must be exercised at all times.

The Pharisees were amazed at Jesus' knowledge of the Bible when He was merely twelve, and again when He started His ministry. They thought that they were the only ones who knew the Scriptures inside out. And then came this John the Baptist, Jesus the Carpenter, and the twelve disciples of fishermen, peasants, tax collectors, and common folk who were not Pharisees or Saducees (in modern day equivalent, they did not have ThDs, PhDs, Ds). To make things worse, these group of unknown people with non- pharisaical background were teaching. If you were a Jew of that time, who would you trust? The Pharisees or Jesus? As a Christian with the benefit of hindsight, one would say, Jesus of course. Yet, one must remember that Jesus was merely a carpenter. What does a Carpenter's son know about something the Pharisees study their entire life?

God often works against conventional human wisdom. If one relies on qualifications or educations, they are very likely to choose the Pharisees over Jesus, and that would be a grave mistake. Few to none of the Prophets of Old Testament and writers of the New Testaments were highly respected scholars of their time. Moses faced countless difficulties with the Hebrews. The disciples of Jesus Christ faced rejection and persecutions as did many of the prophets. In fact, many of the Old Testaments prophets could be seen to be slightly eccentric especially when they start eating scrolls and going around naked. In recent history, many charismatic and well loved "prophets" are usually the ones that are way off from God. Those who served God whole heartedly were rarely loved in their time. For the world does not follow God's way.

In the modern day, many people associate authority with educational achievements. Behind the names of many theologians and pastors, are long titles of ThD, PhD, DD and so on. Yet, who preaches God's word? Is it only for individuals with these titles and qualifications? The biblical answer is no, for even a child, a donkey can deliver the loving message of God accurately so long as they let the Holy Ghost work in them. Is any theologian or pastor with these titles greater than any average Joe who whole-heartedly tries his or her best to do the work set out by God? I doubt it.

In this world, many theologians have abandoned the commandments of Jesus to help others and spread the gospel. Many no longer cook for the homeless, visit people at their homes or have fellowship with the "common-folk". Many of them spend time debating, writing tons and tons of books and articles that can only be understood by other theologians. They do so much, but miss out on reaching out to people, preaching against sin, and to put one's entirety in Jesus Christ. One need only look at the life of Jesus to know that Jesus did not waste His time discussing how the things he taught fitted into modern day philosophy, or debated God's nature with the Pharisees and Sadducees. Although the Lord Jesus did explain his doctrine, He did not lose time with the sick, the poor, and the needy. He provided personal self loving care for everyone He met.

If the desire or attainment of an academic title has cause rifts in doing what is expected of a follower of Christ, then one needs to consider if that is the right path to go. A great and well-known theologian is not greater in the eyes of God than a child who dropped a penny for the poor and tells them that Jesus loves them. Similarly, the pastor of a poor small church who does all he can for the poor and needy, and preaches to them is no less than a famous theologian. In fact one must bear in mind that in the world system, to reach a high position, being wrapped up in politics is inevitable, and really, this is power play of the world Therefore the Bible teaches that those who want to be the first, will be the last.

One needs to depend on God who will authorize and prepare people for His work. While this may also include academic theological study, one should always bear in mind that these are human conferred qualifications, and are part of the fallen world. Relying on these qualifications to gauge the accuracy or holiness of the individual is a big mistake. What looks good on the outside is not always good on the inside. Let us not make the mistake of choosing the Pharisee over Jesus.

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