Section 1 - Article 28

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Article 28 - The Godfather Trilogy

The article utilizes the famous 'The Godfather' trilogy to explain and expound some Christian concepts and problems faced.

In the beginning of the first movie, Vito Corleone offered friendship to someone of power, and was irritated when he was asked to commit murder to which he thought was an insult. This was especially so because the person wanted nothing to do with the Godfather before his problem, but instead thought of the Godfather as a killer for hire.

As believers of Jesus Christ, we need to be mindful that when we pray, we are dealing with Our Creator, a being more powerful than all mafia and governments put together. We should not go to God only when we need His help and ignore Him or want nothing to do with Him at other times. When we want His help, we ought to ask sincerely, not offer XXX, YYY in return. Perhaps one common example is to offer to donate more money to the church, helping the poor, and ridiculous offers. It is an insult to God. Does God need your money? Does God need your charity? One needs to bear in mind that God is not our slave genie. We should not ask him to "kill, or harm people." In the movie, the Godfather was asked "Justice" and it was given. It is biblical to ask for "Justice", but not to make God our butcher to kill, punish, and take away benefits. We ask Him for Justice not because He is the Godfather, but because He is the One True Judge.

Later on in the movie, one could see Don Corleone and his successors constantly involved in "protecting themselves." But let us face one truth; no matter how many men, how much money one has, "Unless God watches a city, the guards watch in vain." God is our fortress and shield. While it does feel good to have physical protection in terms of guards, we need to know that unless it is in God's will, everything else is done in vain. Surely in the modern world we have seen natural disasters destroy what people have put against one another. Similarly, we have also seen enemies develop better technology and better weaponry against the adversary. Truly, it is only with God's protection is anyone really safe.

All the Don Corleones were interested in protecting and preserving their family. God protects His people. God loves us, and would not have harm come to us, but sometimes bad things are allowed so that we will learn. And on Judgment day, God will clean His house the people who trust and believe in Jesus from those that do not (even if they are His creations). Don Michael Corleone killed his brother-in-law and his brother because they betrayed the family and him. Similarly when Judgment day comes, those who are not justified by Christ, will be removed from His kingdom.

In the end, Don Corleone lost the things that he loved most. He had spent all his time gaining power and fortune for his family, but not only did they not benefit from them, they feared him. This illustrates that the pursuit of security and power away from the biblical principles did not result in peace and love. In fact, what is born of evil desires often end in evil results.

In the 3rd and final installment, the uncorrupt Pope was swiftly assassinated. In the real world, it is often very hard to do the right thing, and doing so can often result in dire consequences that we do not want. As God-fearing individuals, we ought to remember that we have to do the right thing in God's way regardless of the possible consequences. The human way of doing things and God's way are not often compatible, nor should there be compromises. Mentioned as an illustration in the movie, a stone in the water is only a stone. It can be surrounded by water, but it is still dry inside. Akin to being in a church, Christian country, one may be surrounded by Biblical practices and teaching, but still be dry within. Not all who go to Church are believers and follower of Christ. Neither do all who claim to be "Christians" have Christ in them. They can be a stone in the water.

One important warning in the Bible is that "spies and infiltrators" do occur. Just as Fredo and Connie's husband betrayed the Corleone family, there are Christians and people who betrayed God. Forgiveness can be given by God the Father only. The Holy Scriptures warn us that bad people can pretend to be good people just as the devil appears as "an angel of light". We need to wary of things such as unsound doctrines. We need to be careful and check against the Holy Scriptures to discern truth from lies. As believers of Jesus, we must be on the watch for non-biblical ideologies that may creep into churches. Examples of these ideologies include the New Age philosophy, philosophies of power and money, "prosperity gospel", atheistic teaching of Evolution that undermines the authority of the Creator, and teaching of tolerance towards sins (disguised under being gracious and merciful). God's standard is Holy, and there is no compromise, nor should we allow infiltrating corrupt doctrines to enter the Church.

One needs to recognize that the Bible is the inspired word of God thereby making it the ultimate physical authority that we have. No pastor, theologian when saying something contradicting the Bible should be accepted. If we do not believe in the organic inspiration and preservation of the Bible, or the willingness of God to do so, we have very little to base our faith on. Without the authority, we will be powerless against the Evil one. Can we say that power is given to the Lord Jesus Christ's name if we do not believe the Bible, or pick and choose what to believe from the Bible? Therefore it is important to keep the right doctrine or the "Corleone family" pure. As Paul cautioned in his letter to the Colossians during the days of the Gnostic cults, it is important to keep the faith right and remove all unsound doctrine.

We must try to remember not to be a stone in the water. Let the words of the Lord Jesus Christ touch us.

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