The Hotel

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Mikaila wake up. Mikaila got up and Bri told her to take off her head phones, "WHAT DID YOU SAY!" Bri slipped them off of her head so that they were around her neck. "I said take your headphones off." "Oh sorry, Where are we?" Mikaila said reaching her arms out to stretch. "We are about ten minutes from the hotel." "Oh okay, Aunt Beth can me and Bri go to the gym after we get everything done and over with." Beth Turned around and flipped her long brown hair. "Yeah that sounds okay and plus you guys are old enough where you don't need anyone watching you."

The two vans parked right next to each other. Everyone got out and got their stuff then headed towards the hotel. They went to the Gaylord Palms because that was Maryann's favorite hotel in Orlando. Plus it was close to Disney. The place was huge it had a huge pool with a movie screen, a gym, A couple of places you could visit, and it had a boat inside that you can eat on.  Everyone was on the second floor on the Key West side of the hotel. Beth and Brian shared a room. Right next to them was Maryann's room. Right across from her was J.D and then the kids shared a room right across from Beth and Brian.

Everyone into their rooms to put their stuff down. Mikaila went in to the bathroom to go change into her gym cloths. She wore a NWO muscle shirt with Black yoga pants and black and white Nikes. Bri didn't have to change because he wears running cloths all the time. He was wearing Red running cloths with red Adidas. "Hey are you guys heading to the gym now?" Neth asked coming into the kids hotel room. "Yea why?" Mikaila asked. "Well everyone else was going to go down to the pool.  And if you guys need us that's where we will be." Mikaila and Bri nodded. Beth told them not to get into any trouble because she knew they were trouble makers.

Mikaila and Bri got into the elevator. nobody was in there with them. "I'll race you." Bri said turning to Mikaila. "I don't want to." "Why because  you know I can beat you?" "No, because aunt Beth told us not to get into trouble." "We won't I promise. Now please." he said begging Mikaila. "Fine but if I get in trouble its going to be on you." She said pointing her finger at Bri. Bri  put his hands up and said okay.

The elevator door open and they were at a tie. They got to a fake looking fort and they went to the top of the steps. Bri was dodging people left and right. So was Mikaila until she bumped into someone. A man. He looked like he was in his 30's and he was 6'4. He was wearing a black leather jacket and a black tank top with some blue jeans and black combat boots. She couldn't see his eyes very well because he had a snapback on and it was covering his face. "I'm so sorry are you okay?" The man said as he put his hand out to help Mikaila up. "Yea I'm fine thank you. I'm sorry I bumped into you." She said as she took his hand. She stood up and looked at him. "No your fine. as long as your okay." He said. She tilt her head a little bit because she seen him before but she forgot where. He just smiled.

Bri grabbed Mikaila's wrist and said they had to leave. As Mikaila and Bri walked down the steps Bri asked Mikaila "What the hell was all that about?" "What?" "You and the guy." "Oh I don't know I feel like I've seen him before but I forgot where." Mikaila and Bri just started to walk to the gym.

"Beth can you go check on Bri and Mikaila because they might be in trouble. Well I wouldn't be surprise if they were." Maryann asked Beth. "Yea me and J.D will go because we are tired." Brian was in the pool with the girls and Bradey in the pool. As Beth and J.D were walking to the gym J.D looked at his phone. "Oh wow" J.D said. "What?" Beth asked. "Smackdown and Raw will be in Orlando Monday and Tuesday. They said that some wrestlers are already here." "But it's only Friday." "They must be here to go to the theme parks." "True." They walked into the gym. Bri was lifting weights and Mikaila was doing squats.

"Mikaila guess what?" J.D said going in front of Mikaila while she did her squats. "What dad?"  "Raw and Smackdown are going to be here Monday and Tuesday." "Ooo can we get tickets to go?" "Only if I can find how much they are." J.D went back to scrolling through his phone. "Do you guys know what we are doing tomorrow?" "No." Mikaila and Bri said together looking at Beth. "We are going to go to Magic Kingdom. So we are going to have to leave early. So I suggest going to bed now since its 10:00." "Okay." Bri and Mikaila said as they all left the gym.

"Well Bradey wanted to sleep with me and Brian tonight and the girls wanted to sleep with your dad tonight so you guys can sleep in peace tonight." Beth said laughing as they walked back to their rooms. "Okay fine by us more sleep for me." Mikaila said. They finally got to their rooms and said goodnight. Bri wanted to watch a movie so Mikaila got in the shower first. Then Bri did. Mikaila got on her laptop and put on Bastille- Oblivion. She put her headphones on and fell asleep.

Next chapter is when everything good/ bad happens so I hope you guys enjoy it.                               Peace.

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