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  I sunk to the bottom of the whale tank. Death. Was that what I was feeling? Nothing. Darkness. I could see the top but no one came. I laid there waiting. For death or someone to save me. I felt everything go away. No sound. Nothing. It felt like forever. I went eye to eye with Finn. "Hey ya know I was going to save ya right?" He said smiling. I looked up at him. I gave him a hug. "Finn I want to go home." I said crying. We were on the stage. No one but dead people were around us. "Ya have to get up. Everyone is waiting for us." He said helping me up. "Where are they?" I asked him. "They went back to the entrance. After this we can leave." He said. We were passing by the Artic place. I heard an evil laugh. I looked back with Finn and saw that guy. The one who tried to kill me. I felt anger. "YOU SON OF A...!" I yelled but Finn pulled me away before I could finish.

  Finn looked me in the eyes. "Mikaila he's not worth it let's go." I nodded. Finn and I ran. We ran to the entrance. Everyone was standing outside waiting for us. "Wait." I said. "Mikaila lets go." Dean said. "No I need to do something." I said. I ran back to SeaWorld. I wasn't letting that asshole win. I jumped over the rail things. I ran towards the shark thing and saw him walk into the shark exhibit. I ran after him. I knocked him down. "You haven't given up have you?" He asked with a smirk. "No I haven't." I said punching him in the face. He threw me off of him. He ran into the area where it was an underwater viewing you could walk through. You could see the animals above you and around you. I knocked him down again. "GIVE ME THE STUPID BUTTON!" I yelled at him. All he did was smirk. I went for his pocket and he threw me up against the glass.

  I felt my back crack. I got back up. He threw punches at me. It hurt because he aimed for my ribs. I fell to my knees.  "You know what I learned about you girls?" He said. He put his hand on my cheek. "You girls never know when to stop." He said smacking me in the face. I turned my head back to him. I looked up at him. "You know what I learned about guys?" I asked him. "What is that?" He said. "You guys don't know how crazy girls are." I said laughing as my lip bleed. He looked at me like I was crazy. I stood up and pulled his head back. I kissed his cheek and slammed his head against the glass. I did it until he slid down against the glass. He looked up at me. His nose was bleeding. "Now I suggest you give me the button." I said. "Or what?" He asked me. I kicked him in the stomach. I could tell he was in real pain. He shook his head. "Nice try princess." He said. I kicked him over and over again.

  I think I knocked him out. I searched through his pockets and found the button. I looked at him. He opened his eyes. I got near his face and he spit in my face. I wiped my face. "You know what?" He asked me. "What?" "You are evil and crazy." He said softly. I stood up with the button. "Thanks." I said. Before I left I heard him say something. I looked back. "I will see you in hell." He said. "See ya." I told him. I walked out and went to the entrance. I saw everyone looking at me. Finn jumped over the railing thing. He gave me a hug. "Ya are crazy. Ya know that?" I nodded. We went over the railing things. Everyone looked at me. "Are you okay your lip is bleeding?" Dean told me. "Yeah guys don't worry I'm fine." I said. "Did you get the button?" Bri asked me. I nodded. "Yep right here." I said with a smile. "What does it do?" Star asked me. "You guys might want to stand back for this." I said with a smirk. "What do you mean?" Dean asked.

  "You guys go get in the car. Go all the way down there." I said. I pointed to the back of the parking lot. Just to be safe. He nodded. They all went into the van. I stood in front of SeaWorld. I saw them go all the way to the exit. I looked at the theme park one more time. I looked down at the button. I started to walk towards the button. I pushed the button and felt the heat from the explosion hit my back. I walked to the van. I got into the back because Star was in the passenger seat. Dean was driving. I got in and everyone was looking at me. "What?" I asked them. "You looked like a model." Star said. "Aww thanks." I said. Dean began to drive. I looked at Finn who was sitting next to me. "That bathing suit looks good on you." He told me with a smirk. I looked down. I forgot I still had it on. "Finn really?" I said. "Hey I'm your boyfriend. I'm allowed to look." He said smiling. "We are going to Jacksonville." Dean told everyone. We all agreed.

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