Chapter 13

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Dani picked and tore at her food, using the opportunity more to spy on Lady Guinevere than to fill her grumbling belly. Guinevere had the bright eyes of a child in a new place, a sweet smile, but had all of the presence of a beagle—there but barely noticed except for when underfoot.

The girl ate her food with a delicacy she supposed must be true of all ladies, but it irked Dani to watch her. She just couldn't help thinking if this was what counted as queen material in this time, queens must have had no value beyond their ability to produce heirs.

She certainly couldn't know much about the world. Guinevere had an innocence about her that had all the men in the keep tripping over themselves to cater to her. But while that might be good for motivation, it didn't really inspire any level of respect. Good Lord, she couldn't imagine anyone being an effective ruler at her age.

"You seem quite engrossed in your thoughts, Danielle." Merlin sat down next to her, whispering his words to ease there natural booming nature.

Dani looked over to glare at him. "Don't call me that. Someone might hear."

"My apologies. So, what has you so deep in thought?"


"Lady Guinevere?"

Dani nodded. "They're not a good match."

"I know. The question is, how do you? Furthermore, how did you know about the Lady of the Lake?"

"I have my ways."

Merlin shook his head. "You have no magic."

She scoffed. "Of course not. Though, that would be great. I always wanted to be able to move things with my mind. And it wasn't even laziness, I just think it would be fun, I guess."

Merlin smiled, and for a moment, she forgot that he was this great, legendary figure and not just a boy, barely a man.

"So, how did you know?"

She looked him dead in the eyes. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"Try me."

Dani opened her mouth, the words dying to slip from her tongue, but they stuck there like peanut butter to the roof of your mouth. She looked away, then with a sigh, stood up and walked back to her room.

As she flopped on the bed, she wanted to cry. She wanted so badly to tell someone, to have someone to confide in, but feared what would happen when she did.

"God, you're so stupid, Dani."


Would he ever get his questions answered? Merlin sat, looking on as Danielle walked away. He'd watched as the woman settled in here at Camelot. He'd been watching when she first managed to pull the bow all the way back. He'd smiled as she did a little dance in place in celebration. He'd frowned as he watched her eating habits change. As her figure filled out, he knew why, but he still couldn't understand why she wouldn't simply speak up and admit she was a woman. Wouldn't that make her life easier?

Certainly, it would make her life safer. Women weren't expected to fight, and fighting for their way of life was a near constant in Camelot. It seemed there was always an ally to help or some scoundrel wishing to pick a fight.

In fact, that was how Arthur came to meet and become friends with King Leodegrance. Leodegrance had been hearing whisperings that King Rience would invade his lands, so he offered to accept King Arthur as his overlord in exchange for his assistance. The people of Camelot came to the rescue, expelling the enemy, and Arthur and Leodegrance had been friends ever since.

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