Chapter 4

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They'd lapsed into silence long before they left Weald, giving Dani far too much opportunity to think. She kept trying to blank her mind, to marvel over the natural beauty of the world around her, but her eyes kept drifting to the things she didn't want to think about. Like the primitive buildings. Or the lack of roads.

She sighed, and thanked her stars when the giant in front of her didn't ask her anything—or worse, try to comfort her again. She stretched her back, but felt certain she'd long since developed a gigantic bruise where he'd slapped her earlier. She could barely move her arm for the pain in her shoulder. And so, she didn't. She tried to keep it firmly at her side, feeling like cradling it in front of her would only broadcast a weakness. She didn't think she could afford a weakness right now.

The sun slowly tracked across the sky, and they arrived at their destination after what she felt must have been a couple of hours. Her muscles wanted to shake at the exertion, but she stood as tall as possible, following the man's lead.

They'd been traveling on a dirt path lying to the left of a patch of trees. The road curved, and her jaw dropped. The trees curved around to the right, leading her eyes directly to a castle and bailey. Everything looked ancient, and yet brand new. She could see two sets of walls, a series of buildings similar to the outlying farms she'd seen as they walked, and a stone castle like nothing she'd seen in her life.

Most pictures of castles she'd seen had been falling apart, a victim to time. She'd never seen one in person before, and this one made her want to back up, as if to put distance between herself and the formidable structure. It looked fully capable of holding off a siege.

The man poked her, then waved her forward when he got her attention. She shook her head, and advanced, though she really didn't want to. She could still run, couldn't she? She could run back to Weald. She had a fantastic sense of direction. Dani felt certain she could find her way back to her cave if she tried.

Of course, back to the cave meant back to freezing and starving. Winter had only just begun, she felt sure, and she wasn't sure she would survive out there on her own. Dani looked up to the castle, which got bigger with each plodding step. Back to Weald—alone, hungry, and nearly frozen through. Or take her chances here—where she didn't know the language, didn't understand the lifestyle, and probably had as much value as teats on a bull.

Continuing to follow the man who'd nearly slit her throat, she made the decision almost through lack of action. They reached the outer wall, and walked past. She trailed her fingers against the rough stone as she went. Inside the wall, the buildings she'd seen came to life. People ran about in wool tunics and pants or dresses, pushing carts, pulling animals—each with a purpose, a role.

Except for her.

The people's language filled the air around her with a chaotic din that felt more and more familiar the longer she heard it. She didn't know the language, but somehow she felt like she should.

They continued on, crossing a wooden bridge that sat over a moat. She looked down at the water, which looked much like some of the lakes she'd been to over the years, only smaller. The brown water sat infinitely still, not revealing the secret of its depths.

The castle, or maybe it was called the keep, loomed over her, making her feelings of inadequacy and dread multiply. He marched her forward, and she tried not to look too closely at the things people wore or what they were doing. Reality seemed a little too much to deal with at the moment, and she needed her wits about her.

He pushed open a heavy, wooden door, and she slipped in behind him, looking back at the door, and wondering if she should close it. But he walked on without pause, so she jogged to catch up.

They sped straight through what she assumed was the great hall, and down a hallway, until they reached another door. This time, he knocked, his knuckles making a deep sound against the solid wood construction.

A voice, muffled and distorted by the interveningwood, called out. She assumed he saidsomething along the lines of "Enter," and yet again, she had the nagging feeling she shouldknow their tongue. 

Author's Note: If you noticed that the previous chapter said it was chapter 4, ignore it.  It truly was Chapter 3.  For some weird reason, Wattpad is being weird on me.  I changed it, and it still keeps telling me it's Chapter 4...

As for NaNo, I've been REALLY slow.  Work has been sucking the life out of me, and I keep getting behind, which is bizarre for me as I'm usually ahead of the curve.  But I wrote 3400 words today, and am back to even again.  I'm hoping I can get ahead tomorrow so the work week crap doesn't mow me down...   

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