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Innes held Merlin's hand as they wandered through the British Museum in London. She looked over at him discretely and smiled. When she'd bound herself to him that day 1500 years ago, she'd been terrified. Fae share their life forces in a Soulfasting ceremony. It was a wedding ceremony for the Fae and permanent.

Which was also why so few Fae actually went through with it. And with Merlin on the brink of death, his life force having been given to Arthur, it would be an uneven binding, which meant whether they liked it or not, they would have to stay practically glued at the hip for eternity. When a single life force was shared between two people, they would die if they drifted too far apart for too long.

But it had all worked out. They had become best friends and lovers, and there wasn't a day that went by that she wasn't grateful for having done it.

They stopped at a plaque that read "The Kingdom of Camelot." It told of how the kingdom had reigned for over 1500 years before finally seceding to the United Kingdom, with the caveat that the principles that it was founded upon would be added to the British government in a statute now titled "The Arthurian Dictates."

However, the small principality still reserved the right to leave as part of the agreement, and still maintained its own monarchy and aristocracy, all descendants of Arthur and Danielle.

Merlin rested his hand on the plaque with a sigh.

"You miss them."

He nodded.

Innes laughed and bumped his shoulder. "You'll see them again. They're just traveling."

"They're always traveling."

"Well, don't you think they deserve it. They've done a great deal with their life." She pointed at the plaque as an example.

"Of course they do."

Innes smiled at Merlin, and dragged his morose self away from the British History wing on the museum. At least they hadn't lost Arthur and Danielle to old age and time. For a spell, she'd very well feared that would happen. After all, both Danielle and Arthur were human, and humans had such short lifespans.

But as time passed, neither of them aged. They realized that Arthur, having absorbed Merlin's life force, had also acquired Merlin's lifespan. And Danielle? Well, Merlin had been a little too overzealous with his protection amulet, one that she still wore to this day. It protected her from literally everything, even the ravages of time. As long as it was still connected to Merlin, she would live on, invulnerable to anything and everything.

"Come, I would like to see Dippy before we leave."

"Dippy? What the hell is a Dippy?"

A big smile stretched her cheeks, and she bumped him on the shoulder again. "That is you me to know and you to find out. Come on!" She yanked on his hand and ran off, laughing as she went. She would happily jolly him out of his mood.

After all, what was a wife for?

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