Chapter 32

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Morgan had a hard time holding in her glee as she watch the dejected way Arthur went about his day. He'd come down from his chambers far later than usual, and when he did, he'd lacked that bounce in his step she'd noticed recently.

Guin had seemed beside herself since a quick conversation with Arthur, but she'd had a moment of doubt when Danielle finally came down. She'd seemed... fine. She'd consoled Guin, and at a glance, Morgan would have thought that there was absolutely nothing wrong based on Danielle's response to it.

It wasn't until her lady's maid came down that she had her confirmation. The maids always gossiped, and this gossip happened to be too good to not pass on. So by noon, she had her confirmation—the queen had miscarried.

It took all of her effort to conceal the smile that wanted to erupt. She felt vindicated. Her spell had worked after all, though not how she'd originally planned. If anything, this was far better. The spell she'd planned would have broken them over time, slowly putting strain on them and their relationship. But this? Oh, this would work so much faster.


That day, Morgan had felt like the world was at her fingertips, like she could do anything. When her curse hadn't seemed to work, and with Lance and Guin fawning over each other, she'd actually started to get a bit depressed, which was completely unlike her.

But today had been perfect, and she'd finally decided it was time she took her seduction of Lancelot to the next level. She would surprise him, and she felt certain this time she would succeed.


Lancelot yawned, exhausted from a long, hard day and a big meal. Guinevere had yet again waited by the fences for him, then they'd talked all through the evening meal. He could have easily sat by her, listening to her speak, for the rest of his life. He'd never felt this way before.

He stepped into his room in the barracks. The barracks consisted of one large room for the soldiers, and individual rooms for the knights and squires, though the squires often slept in the room with whatever knight they served. When his eyes alighted on his bed, he froze.

Stretched across the bed, in a pose that would have been far more alluring had it been any other woman, Morgan lounged out in all her naked glory, her hair strategically covering her in some places, leaving her bare and breathtaking in others. His mouth ran dry, and he felt a twitch of arousal, but that was all. His stomach churned, making him almost sick.

So he turned, and walked out, finding a cot in the barracks proper to sleep for the night. Hopefully, she would get the hint this time.


Morgan paced her chambers all that night, at times furious, insulted, and sad. He'd rejected her! She had been naked in his bed, offering him everything, and he'd turned his back on her. She wanted to throw things, she wanted to scream, but resisted. "That won't accomplish anything."

It was all Guinevere's fault, she decided in the wee hours of the morning. The little girl had stolen Morgan's chances with her Lance, and she wouldn't have it. She lay back against her bed, staring up at the ceiling, and wondering how she should proceed. She wasn't the type to simply give up. She was too stubborn, too proud to do that. Morgan would have him, no matter what it took.


A few weeks later...

Arthur sat in his office, wishing he could be out training with his men, or better yet, with his wife. Danielle had seemed to handle the miscarriage with grace, but he kept waiting for the other foot to drop. Guin had more of a reaction to the news than Danielle had. In fact, the entirety of Camelot had more of a reaction.

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