Chapter 26

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Arthur reached out a hand. "It's time."

Dani blushed, not at all comfortable in that moment. The episode in the woods had been a moment of passion. Now, all eyes were on her, and she felt self-conscious and nervous. She stood and took his hand, walking with him up the stairs, momentarily distracted by the skill required to go up the stairs without touching her skirts.

The skirts dragged the ground, and she found herself completely engrossed in the kicking motion required to keep the material from being underfoot. She also couldn't look down to make sure she didn't step on it, as that would cause the gown to sag in the front, leaving her to tumble up the stairs when she tripped on it.

She'd never been on the upper floor of the keep, and Arthur led her carefully to his chambers. He released her when he opened the door. For a moment, she feared that he would want to carry her over the "threshold," but she walked in herself before he could even think of it.

The room was as large as her apartment back home. For a moment, she marveled at the size alone. Her mind desperately tried to grasp at a lifeline, taking in the large bed, the tables, the chairs, but she couldn't quite shake her nerves.

Arthur walked up to her, rubbing her arms soothingly, then sat down on the foot of the bed, and urged her to do the same. She acquiesced.

After that, they sat together for hours, just talking. It eased her nerves. It was something they'd always been good at together. They talked about nothing and everything, and with time, she leaned her head against his shoulder, and he wrapped his arm around her waist.

"We'll be good together," he said. "I won't let you down."

"I know."


Innes watched the wedding from the shadows, pleased with the way things were going for her little Dani. She'd looked so beautiful in her wedding gown, but Innes eyes invariably drifted to the one called Merlin, as she'd learned he was called. She'd overheard the name from time to time in conversations, but it took a while for her to connect the two. If only she'd been able to ask someone...

But alas, when confronted with the idea of showing herself, she hesitated. She felt like a coward, but comforted herself with idea that Fae weren't supposed to reveal themselves.

So when Dani and Arthur went upstairs, she settled down next to Merlin, just watching him. He kept himself apart from the others, watching the rowdy crowd absently. She wondered what he was thinking at that moment, but mindreading wasn't one of her gifts. She would just have to settle for watching him for now. At least, until she could work up the courage to show herself to him and ask him.


"It was good seeing you again," Dani said to Guin as they stood on the keep steps.

In the background, men gathered horses and prepared to leave.

Guin kept on darting furtive glances at Lancelot. "Likewise."

Dani secretly smiled, noticing the longing way they looked at one another. Yes, this part of the story was definitely true—Guinevere and Lancelot would have a love story for the ages. "I hope that you will come back soon."

"Oh, I would love that." Guin blushed, and Dani knew that the girl was not thinking about seeing Dani again, but Lancelot.

Dani pulled her into a hug, which caused Guin to turn stiff in her arms. She sighed, realizing she'd made some sort of faux pas. Really, she was going to be a terrible noblewoman.

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