Chapter 21

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A servant raced up to Merlin, out of breath and frantic.

"Speak," Merlin said in his booming voice, forgetting to temper the sound to more human levels.

The man flinched, but didn't let it cow him. "The king..."

That was all Merlin needed to hear. The servant had come from the keep, so Merlin dashed off in that direction. When he entered the Great Hall, all eyes were focused on the direction of Arthur's office. Merlin didn't even paused to knock as he approached the door. He simply shoved it open and barked, "What's wrong?"

But Arthur didn't say, he simply continued pacing behind his desk.

Merlin frowned, not knowing what to do. He drew on his gifts, but he still couldn't see Arthur's future, present, or recent past. Everything since Danielle arrived. "Does it have something to do with Dani?"

Arthur flinched and stopped pacing. "How did you know?"

Merlin shrugged, but instead of answering asked again, "What's wrong?"

Arthur's pacing resumed, and Merlin feared he would not get an answer from him any time soon. He seemed to agitated to speak. But then he did. "I had sex with her, Merlin."

Merlin paused, unsure where this new future would lead. Who had Arthur had sex with? Why was it causing him so much angst? The agitation indicating a turning point, he was sure, but he just didn't know where it would lead. "Who, Arthur?"

Arthur finally stopped his pacing. "Dani."

Merlin's brows rose in surprise. Slowly but surely, everyone had figured out Danielle's secret—everyone but Arthur. He hadn't realized Arthur had too.

"She was untried," Arthur whispered.

Merlin paused, unsure what to say.

"Don't you understand?" Arthur exclaimed, turning on Merlin in frustration.

Merlin waited a few beats.

But Arthur continued on before he could word a reply. "She can read and write. She wore finely crafted garments of materials the likes of which we have never seen, likely equally fine. She's likely nobility."

Merlin only nodded.

Arthur shook his head. "I have to marry her."

And there is was—the turning point Merlin had been looking for. Nothing would ever be the same. But the question was, would this future be any better?


Arthur couldn't seem to sit still, nor could he leave his office. He couldn't allow his own stress and restless leach out into the hearts of his people.

He'd barely noticed when Merlin walked through his door. A mirthless laugh slipped from his lips as he thought of that moment when Merlin guessed the issue from the very start. How did he do it? Was it his gifts? Or was Arthur that obvious? He hoped for the former but feared it was the latter.

With a shake of his head, he attempted to dislodge that worry from his mind. It didn't quite work, but really, what did it matter how Merlin had figured him out? The man had known him his entire life. Arthur trusted him without question.

But with that distraction settled, his mind careened back to the heart of the issue—Danny. He frowned, realizing he didn't even know the real name of the woman he intended to marry. He knew she was strong of will, hardworking, opinionated, and wouldn't let things go if she thought a better way could be found. A small smile crossed his face as he listed off her attributes.

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