Chapter 43

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A few weeks later...

Dani stood outside, her chest tight with emotion. The weather had taken a turn for the better, allowing the wedding of Sir Lancelot and Lady Guinevere to be held outdoors. Lancelot and Guin stood under an old tree, it's large branches reaching out to the couple as if to embrace them.

Her eyes brimmed with tears at the same time a confused smile stretched her face. All her emotions seemed confused now. There was no doubt she was pregnant now. It had been three months, but they still hadn't announced anything yet. She was grateful that Arthur hadn't pushed it. Just a little longer, she felt. A little bit longer, and she would be ready. She hoped.

Merlin presided over the wedding the same as he had over hers. Guin smiled up at Lancelot like the man was her whole world. Lancelot had the very gentlest of smiles on his face, and a look in his eyes that spoke volumes.

Dani reached out to Arthur at her side, holding tightly to his arm. "I don't know why I'm so emotional," she whispered.

He leaned down to her ear. "You're pregnant. It's to be expected."

She scowled at him, tears waiting to fall rimming her eyes. She didn't appreciate the reminder.


The next day, Guin stood outside the keep, hugging her father goodbye. The night before had been... a revelation. She hadn't know what to expect, but Lancelot had been gentle, kind, as she'd known he would be.

"Are you happy?" her father said, a serious look in his eyes. She knew right in that moment that he would wisk her away if she said no.

Her heart lifted, light as a feather, in her chest. "Oh yes." She hugged him again, absorbing the warmth and strength of him, trying to memorize every detail of the rare experience. It would be so very long before she got to see him again. "I'm going to miss you."

"Sh," he said, tugging her tighter to his chest. "You have a husband now. You don't need me."

She looked up at him, slightly offended. "I'll always need my father. I just have to learn to cope."

"Goodbye, daughter."

"Goodbye, father."

Her father turned his back on her, and mounted his horse. Within moments, him and his men disappeared out of the bailey. An arm reached around her, and Lancelot's warmth engulfed her.

"Are you okay?"

She smiled. "Yes. I have you."


Morgan hated Lady Guinevere. She wanted to rip out her innards and strew them across the bailey. But what would that accomplish but to increase suspicions and mistrust all around. That would not further her goals.

But she didn't intend to take this lying down. She didn't like being passed over for another, and she wasn't the type to accept it without complaint or action. At first, she'd contemplated kidnapping Guinevere, but what would that accomplish? Lancelot would merely feel the need to rescue his wife, and thus strengthen their bond. That would not do.

But Lancelot needed to pay for rejecting her. She would see that he did. She just had to figure out how.


After the wedding, Lancelot had moved into Guin's chambers in the keep. They were nicer, larger, but eventually, they would need something more. Someday they would have children, and she very much looked forward to that day.

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