Chapter 33

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Lancelot resisted the urge to check the fences again. He kept hoping for a glimpse of Guinevere, but the queen had been true to her word. She had not let Guin out of the castle during the day, keeping her busy by her side. But his evenings always brightened when he came into the keep to find Guinevere waiting patiently at the trestle tables, a generous smile on her face for him. They filled their evenings with talk, and he loved the bubbly way she saw and spoke of the world. She brought light into his life.

And so, he waited every day for his dawn, as he'd come to call her, for that moment when they would be together again and she would light up his world. For that moment, he oversaw the training, trying not to let his distracted mind get the better of him. He gave suggestions, corrected stances, and rearranged sparring partners. The men tended to migrate toward certain sparring partners, which would prove dangerous in a battle as one became used to the maneuvers of a person over time. It would be wasted effort, so he made sure each person fought someone new each day, while at the same time ensuring each was fairly equally matched.

He didn't know what to do with Mordred, however. It was mid-morning, and Mordred had yet to show. What's more, Lancelot could never seem to pair his correctly, as Mordred for all his size, managed to fell men much bigger than himself with apparent ease. But what really frustrated him to no end was the boy's complete inability to take direction and follow orders. Like the fact that the boy had yet to show for practice.

Lancelot sighed, wondering what he would do with the boy when he finally decided to show up...


Dani rummaged around in Arthur's chest, looking for an appropriate item. Arthur's absence had been dragging on her of late. At night, she couldn't seem to sleep without his weight and warmth beside her. She would shiver and bundle in the covers as tightly as she could, but it just wasn't the same. During the day, she missed talking to him, consulting with him. Though they often spent most of their time apart during the day, there were those little moments—a smile from across the room or bailey, a quick word in inquiry, a kiss or holding of hands. With him gone, every little thing seemed utterly precious to her now.

Which is what started the grand hunt through Arthur's chest. She wanted to find an item she could keep with her throughout the day, something that would make her feel a little closer to him, something she could touch in reassurance when she missed him too much.

She'd already started wearing his tunics to bed rather than her own bedclothes. The scent of him made it easier to sleep. But she wanted a talisman for the daytime as well. In the end, she sat on her knees, an ornate pin in one hand and a dagger in the other. Shrugging, she decided on both. She settled the pin on her gown, and tied the dagger at her waist, hidden slightly by the design of her skirts.

The door clicked behind her, and sighed. The real world called once more. "I'll be out of your hair shortly," she said to the maid she'd forgotten the name of for the thousandth time. She turned and jumped when instead of the lady's maid who often came in the mornings to straighten her chambers, Mordred stood at the door, blocking her exit. "What are you doing, Mordred? This isn't proper."

He smirked, and unlike Arthur's smirks, this one left her insides frozen. He took a step forward. "Don't you remember? We have some unfinished business to attend to. I'll admit, I've been quite patient, more patient that usual. Unfortunately, opportunity has been lacking of late."

Dani's stomach churned, but she didn't show fear. "I'm am your queen, Mordred. Leave my chambers at once or suffer the consequences."

He laughed, taking another step closer. "Don't be absurd. You didn't tell before. You won't tell now. And unlike last time, we won't be interrupted. Your lady's maid has already come and gone this morning, and no one else has business on this floor for quite some time. We'll have plenty of time to have our fun."

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