Chapter 41

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Author's Note:  Sorry this is late.  I worked over ten hours yesterday and kind of collapsed afterwards...

Guin laughed as Lancelot paced in front of her, agitated for a reason he had yet to share with her. He glared at her, but resumed his pacing. She wanted to ask him what had unnerved him so, but she was having too much fun at his expense. She stifled a giggle.

"What's so funny?" he barked, his usual good humor gone.

"You are." And then she completely lost it, holding her stomach and rolling around as she fell into uncontrollable giggles.

He smiled, and stopped. "You are completely adorable."

She stopped laughing, and looked up at him. She didn't know what to say to that, so eventually she just blushed and dipped her head, hiding her face behind her hair.

Lancelot squatted in front of her, tipping her head up with a finger. "I'm just waiting to hear back from a message I sent. I guess I'm not that patient, am I?"

She cocked her head, taking him in. Whatever his message was he'd sent, it must be fairly important. She'd seen him exert the utmost of patience with the men and boys when training, so she knew he wasn't simply impatient. And he hadn't mentioned what it was, so either he wasn't allowed to or it was a surprise. She hoped it was a surprise. She loved surprises.

Guin stood and grabbed him by the arm, dragging him along. "Let's go for a walk. Burn some of that restless energy."


Arthur waited patiently once word came to him that King Leodegrance approached, his wife at his side. He smiled down at her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze. Things had mostly returned to normal, with the exception that he couldn't seem to get Danielle to stay out of the training grounds. As best he could, he tried to restrict her to archery, but she wouldn't have any of that, no matter how he tried to discipline her.

Of course, it didn't help that he didn't have the heart to hit her, even if for her own good. He'd never believed in taking a hand to a woman, but after the things that had befallen her, he suspected it would have made himself sick to even attempt to. Besides, considering how she handled other forms of reprimands, he suspected he would leave the room with more bruises than she would. She had no problems giving as good as she got.

In the end, he'd given up on the idea of keeping her safely away from swords when he had a talk with Lancelot. The other man had encouraged her to practice at fighting in case she were ever in such a situation again like she was with Mordred. He'd wanted to boost her confidence, make her feel safe. He hadn't known what else do to. And while it really bothered Arthur not being able to protect his own wife, Lancelot's logic was sound.

Leodegrance led his men, proud and tall, into the bailey. He dismounted his horse in a single, smooth motion, and marched up to Arthur, clapping him on the shoulder when he got within reach. "It was good to hear from you."

"It's good to see you as well. Come."

"Queen Danielle," Leodegrance said with a slight bow of his head.

"Welcome, King Leodegrance. I hope your stay with be fruitful."

Leodegrance laughed. "Yes, fruitful. Definitely." He winked at her. "Will you be playing scribe once again?"

"If you two will need me to, of course. I would be happy to help."

"So, where is this man who has decided he is good enough for my daughter?"

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