Chapter 42

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Arthur had given Lancelot and King Leodegrance use of his office while they worked out the details of the marriage contract. Danielle had offered to help, but while everyone else had been thankful, all Arthur could see was the pain in her eyes, the fear. She didn't want to show it, and he felt proud of his wife for that, but it didn't stop him from wanting to wrap her up and protect her from all the hurts of the world.

He held on to Merlin's promise that he would find a way, any way, to help her.

"How is she?" Merlin asked from behind him, startling Arthur.

"She's holding up. She's strong."

Merlin nodded. "I have no doubt. She may have her moments of weakness, but Danielle is a woman who could weather even the greatest of storms."

Arthur nodded, taking comfort in and hating the words. He didn't want Danielle to have to weather the greatest of storms. He wanted to protect her. It killed him that there were things he couldn't protect her from. "Have you found a solution?"

Merlin held out his hand. An ornate black and white stone that almost seemed to swirl with color rested in his hand, a delicate chain dangling from his palm. "Give it to her, as a gift. Tell her never to take it off. Do whatever necessary to make sure she never takes it off."

Arthur nodded and let Merlin drop the beautiful piece of jewelry in his hand. He would find a way. He had to.


Merlin felt hesitant about letting go of the amulet. It felt like letting go of a piece of himself, and in a way, he was. He didn't know why Danielle had already miscarried twice, be it nature of malevolent forces, and he wanted to make sure it would not happen again. He'd probably gone a little overboard, but he knew that charms like the one he'd handed over needed constant flows of power or they would gradually lose effectiveness.

Usually, that meant recharging it periodically, but with such an important talisman, he didn't like the idea of separating it from the queen for long enough to do so. So he'd linked it to his power, to his very being. No matter how far separated, no matter how much time passed, the amulet would always protect her because as long as he lived, it would be linked to his magic.

But doing incurred certain risks. Like that a person could, in theory, use that link against him, pulling on his strength to power their own spells. It wouldn't be an easy thing to do. Such a person would have to recognize the power source of the amulet, and find a way of diverting the power away from the spell it had been intended for, but it could happen.

He just wouldn't dwell on it.


Dani left Arthur's office, smiling at the way Guin's father and Lancelot seemed to be getting along.

"Hello," Arthur said as he leaned against the opposite wall. "I have something for you." He reached out, holding a necklace with what looked like a snowflake obsidian pendant. Only the white flakes in the pendant seemed to shift, messing with her head.

"It's beautiful."

Arthur walked forward, settling the chain over her head and around her neck, pulling her little bit of hair out from under the metal. "There. Perfect."

She smiled, touching the surprisingly warm stone. "Thank you. It's beautiful."

He smiled. "Just promise you won't take it off. I'm told it will protect you."

"Protect me?" she frowned. Why couldn't it just be a simple gift?

He shook his head. "Don't look at me like that. Is it so wrong of me to want to protect you and give you beautiful things?"

"No," she said, the word almost inaudible.

"It's a gift. Merlin made it. He would be very upset if his hard work went unappreciated."

Dani frowned, not liking how the conversation had turned. She didn't like being guilted, but as she looked down at the beautiful, fascinating stone, she admitted to herself that it wouldn't be a hardship to wear it all the time. "All the time? As if never take it off? Even to sleep?"

He nodded.

"That'll take some getting used to."

He smiled. "Thank you for not making this harder than it had to be."

She smiled up at him. "Oh, I prefer to choose my battles."

He groaned, but she suspected he was happy.


Guin didn't know what to do with herself. She was so excited, knowing full well what Lancelot and her father were doing being closed doors. When she saw Dani come out, she couldn't hold it in any longer. She raced over to her, reaching out a grabbing her by the arms. "Tell me. Tell me everything."

Dani laughed. "Easy, Guinevere. All in good time. Besides, I'm famished."

Guin blushed. "Oh, of course. You've been sequestered in that little room all day. Come sit." She sat her queen down at the head table, then fluttered off, seeking out a servant to collect food.

"How may I help you, my lady?" a young woman said as she stepped through the door leading into the Great Hall from the kitchens.

"Oh, good. The queen requires food."

"Of course, my lady." The servant dashed off.

Guinevere turned back and raced to Dani's side. "Food will come shortly. Please, tell me. How goes it?"

Dani smiled. "Well. Your father and intended get along quite well."

Guin sighed a breath of relief. "Thank the gods."

Dani's smile grew broader. "How could you have had any doubt? Lancelot is a charmer, and a hard worker. He has earned Arthur's esteem. It would not take your father long to see that."

Guin figited in her seat. "Yes, but..." She wrung her hands, wanting to say more, to give voice and form to her misgivings, but she couldn't figure out how. "I..."

"No." Dani held her hand up, stopping her. The one word portrayed the strength of iron, and all the authority of the queen she was by marriage. "Don't fret. Don't worry. There is no reason to worry about the things we can't control."

It was times like that, Guin remembered why Arthur chose Danielle over her. The queen had a wisdom that surpassed hers by leaps and bounds. She hoped to some day be as wise as her, but she doubted it. Guin feared there would always be a certain naïveté to her that she would never overcome. She nodded, and moped.

"Chin up, Guinevere. All of this will be over soon enough. I'm certain you will have the ending you want so badly. Too many people want that ending for you, for Lancelot as well."

She nodded again as Lancelot and her father came out of the king's office. Lancelot's smile lit up her insides as he caught sight of her. With him nearby, she honestly believed everything would be alright.

Author's Note: First day off in God only knows how long.  I feel so exhausted...  One the upside, there are parts of my life that I will soon be getting closure on, which will definitely be a load off my mind.  

Now if only I could write and edit on a regular basis like I want to...

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