Chapter 20

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Sofia's P.O.V

Julie left before I did. Gemma dropped by but left quickly. I liked seeing Julie so invested in something. Back in the States she seemed trapped. She wasn't herself. She lived in England for two years before she came back. She fell in love with it. She was always missing it. We met shortly after she came back and I was more than grateful for her timing.

A rapid knock on the door broke through my thoughts. That was Harry. I took a deep breath before opening the door. I opened it to see Harry with a grin on his face.

"It's so good to see you," he said. He grabbed me by my waist and pulled me into a kiss. My heart sped up the way it always does when Harry kisses me. My body buzzes and I almost forget the reason why I'm going over to his place. I break the kiss and walk over to get my things.

"I missed you," I said. "Let's go." We went downstairs and walked to his car. We rode in silence to his place. There was a battle going on inside me. One part of me was wondering if the things Samantha and Maya had said were true. Another part wanted to ignore them and just continue like I knew nothing.

"Are you okay? You've been really quiet," Harry said; once again interrupting my thoughts.

"Yeah I'm fine. Sorry I was just.... daydreaming."

"About me I hope."

"Oh you wish." I needed to pus everything I was feeling aside and act like nothing. I needed to find that sonogram if there was one without Harry suspecting anything.

We finally arrived at his house and we walked toward the door. A I walked inside my mouth fell open. The lights were dim and there lights strung around the living room and dining room. It was simple but enough to make the rooms stand out.

"What is this?" I walked towards the dinning room and saw there were two burgers on each plate. I gave Harry a puzzled look.

"You've been in England for a whole I figured you could use a taste of home. And I thought what's more American than hamburger."

I felt a smile grow on my face. It's things like this that give me hope that Harry isn't a bad choice. I reached up and grabbed his face and kissed him.

"Thanks so much. I love it."

We sat down and ate. For a moment I forgot every doubt I had about Harry. Harry was really intelligent. He was very intellectual. He never shows it around other people. We finished and cleared the table soon afterward.

"You know this was suppose to be a celebration for you. I feel like I should take you out." He grabbed my hips and pulled closer. He looked deep into my eyes. His eyes were dilated so much that there was only a thin circle of vivid green. "You deserve a real celebration."

"This is a real celebration. I loved it."

"You wanna watch a movie?" He asked.

"Sure. You choose." I kissed his cheek and went over to sit on the couch. I watched as he kneeled down and chose a movie from the collection that was on the shelf under the tv. He finally chose one and put it in the DVD player. He joined me on the couch to watch. He laid behind me and he wrapped his arms around me as we watched.

"You never seize to amaze me Harry," I said as the movie started.

His chuckled vibrated through his chest. "Why do you say that?"

"Little things like knowing I was getting home sick or the fact that you chose a black and white movie."

"You bring those things out of me."

I turned my head slightly to see his face. "Really?"

"Yes really." He kissed my lips softly.

"You should let other people see that side. You would surprise people."

"We'll see." I turned my eyes back to the screen. I watched but my mind was on other things.



I swallowed hard. "What was your best friend's name?"

I felt Harry's body stiffen under mine. "What makes you bring this up?"

I sat up and looked at him. "Nothing really I was just thinking about it. I hope your not mad."

"I'm not. It's just hard to think about her."

I held my breath as I waited for h to say her name. I really didn't know what I wanted his answer to be.

"Lucy." My heart sank. "Are you okay Sofia?"

I has one more bit of truth to find out so I forced a smile. "Yeah. I'm just glad you told me." I laid back down and continued watching the movie. I drifted to sleep and woke up in the middle of the night. I got up gently making sure not to wake up Harry. He turned a little but didn't wake. I crept slowly to his room. I looked around, trying to decide where I should look first. I knew I shouldn't be looking through his stuff but I felt like I didn't have a choice. I went to his dresser and started looking through his clothes. I went through them one by one and found nothing. I moved unto his nightstand. I looked over my shoulder to make sure Harry wasn't there and continued looking. At the bottom of the first drawer I found an envelope. It was a dark yellow color and slightly wrinkled. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I lifted up the flap and slid out what was inside. My heart sank as I saw what was in my hands. It was the sonogram. I put it back quickly where I found it. I got my things as quickly and quietly as I could and left. This time, I didn't know if I would be coming back.

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