Chapter 27

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Harry's P.O.V

I felt like I couldn't breath. This threw me off. Never did I expect to see Sofia coming back with another guy.

"Harry this Andres, he's a friend from Costa Rica," she said reluctantly. She looked uncomfortable. God I was so stupid. Why did I think she would be happy to see me? I'm an idiot. A stupid idiot.

"Um Andres could you give us a second?" she asked him. He looked at her then back at me before walking away. Something inside me made me want to punch him.

"Harry it's not what you think," she said to me in a low voice.

"What the fuck do you know what I think you've been gone. You fucking left. Again!" I said raising my voice and throwing my hands in the air.

"Harry. Stop.Now." She looked around to see if anyone was watching us.

"You know what fuck this I'm leaving."

"Harry." She grabbed my hand as I turned around."You came for a reason. "

"Well I'm an idiot obviously. I mean I really don't know what I was thinking. You left the fucking country and here I am waiting for you at the airport and you come back with some other guy."

"Can you just listen for once? He was my best friend growing up in Costa Rica and when I moved to the States. We've been through a lot. He was there when Isobel died."

"Oh," I said, feeling like a jackass."Wait I didn't know you grew up in Costa Rica."

"That's because you don't know me. We don't know each other. I don't know you Harry. I don't know the real you."

"I've shown you more than I have anybody else."

"Look we need to talk. It was really childish of me to just leave like that. We need to talk just not in the middle of the airport. I need some time to think. And to get settled. I promise we will talk. I owe you that much."

"Okay. Fine. I'm sorry for blowing up."

"It's fine," she said looking around."I'll see you later." She turned around and headed in the direction that Andres had walked off. She walked up to him and they started talking. He looked concerned for her. I watched as he put his arm on her shoulder while he spoke to her. I shook my head. He hugged her briefly then started walking away. I watched them until they disappeared into the crowd.I turned around and walked towards the exit. I needed to get my shit together.

Sofia's P.O.V

Julie warned me before my flight that Harry might show up at the airport. I didn't think he would actually do it. Part of me hoped he would, the other part of me didn't know what she wanted. This thing with Harry has happened so quickly. I wasn't the type of girl to get caught up in her own head. I know what life has to offer. Usually when I think for a second I could be truly happy life goes and screws me over. I need some stability in my life. I needed to be a regular college student. I've been living in chaos the past few weeks. There was a constant battle between what I should do and the feelings I have for Harry.

Andres and I got our bags from the Baggage Claim and headed to the front to wait for Julie. I had called Andres two days before I left for the States. I told him everything that had happened in England. I had apologized for everything that had happened. After a long discussion he agreed to visit Julie and I in England. It was a fresh start for us.

"I'm glad you came," I said to him. "I think you're going to like it."

"Me too," he said, smiling at me. "I can't believe you made it. I'm so proud of you."


"Sofia!" I looked up to see Julie running towards us. I nearly fell as she hugged me. "I missed you so much!" She let go of me and hit my arm.

"Ow!" I exclaimed. "What was that for?" I rubbed my arm.

"For leaving like that. Andres!" She threw herself into Andres knocking him off balance. I smiled to myself as I watched Julie. Only she could scold you and make you feel loved all at once.

"God I've missed you!" He laughed as he returned her hug.

"I've missed you too Julie. I forgot how loud you can be."

"Yeah. But it's why you both love me. Come on." She grabbed the handle to one of my bags and led us to the cab she rode in. We climbed in and made our way to the hotel.

"Wow. I can never get tired of this place," I said looking out the window.

"Next time don't leave, Julie said to me.

I rolled my eyes and remained quiet. I tuned out Julie as she rambled on to Andres about our time in England so far. We reached the hotel and we got our bags and headed inside. We went to the front desk to get Andres a room.I stayed quiet as Andres and Julie fought over who would pay. We all knew Julie could afford it but Andres refused. Julie was stubborn but Andres won for now. As soon as Andres had the room key we headed up. His room was on the floor beneath ours.

"Are you okay Sofia?" Julie asked me.

"Yeah. I'm just tired."

"You're probably stressed. Harry showed up at the airport," Andres informed Julie.

"I'm really sorry I told him. Gemma told me he was in bad shape."

I looked down avoiding their looks.

"Can we just go in please? It was a long flight."

We entered Andres' room and put all his baggage on the bed.

"I'm really glad you decided to come," I said to him. "We'll talk more later. I'm a bit jet lagged."

"Yeah you go rest. I know you've had a long day."

"I'll talk to you later," Julie said hugging Andres. "I'll go up with her. Make sure she's not a flight risk anymore."

"You're funny," I said sarcastically.

"Bye Andres. You should get some rest too."

"I will." I hugged him quickly then walked out.

"Sofia be careful with Andres." We pushed the button to the elevator and waited.

"What do you mean?" The elevator dinged and we walked in.

"I know how Andres feels about you."

"You're wrong. We talked about it. Everything is good with us." We reached our floor and dragged my suitcases to the room. Julie pulled out the key card and let us inside. I picked up my suitcase and threw it on my bed. I started to unpack quietly hoping Julie would drop the subject.


"Enough Julie.My head is throbbing and I want to unpack quickly so I can get some rest."

"You can do that later you know."

"I know. But I would rather do it now."

I continued to pack silently. I knew Julie well enough that she would continue talking. She always spoke what was on her mind.

She sat on the bed next to where I placed my suitcase and looked up at. "Look Sofia you may have known Andres your whole life but when it comes to him your clueless sometimes. I don't know if you truly never knew or if you chose to ignore it. That boy has had feelings for you from day one. I know you said you guys talked and that there isn't anything there anymore but just be careful. Don't lead him on, in any kind of way. Okay?"

I sighed. "Okay okay. Can we please just drop it?"

"Yeah." She got up and headed to the dresser. She walked back to me and handed me two white pills and a bottle of water.

"Here for your headache." I took them from her hand and drank them with a big gulp of water. I finished un packing and slid under the covers of my bed. My head was still throbbing as I drifted off to sleep. I didn't know if it was the jet lag or the stress of the situation. I hoped when I woke up I would be closer to some kind of solution.

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