Chapter 22

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Harry's P.O.V

My throat went dry. I could feel my heartbeat everywhere. Tears threatened to spill over my eyes. "She left?" I asked, my voice breaking. "She left the fucking country." I felt the anger build up inside me. I grabbed the closest thing that was near me which was a vase and threw it across the room. It shattered, ironically symbolizing how I felt inside. I ran my hands through my hair trying to wrap my head around the situation.

"Harry please calm down." Gemma's face looked calm but her voice was shaky. She was scared.

"How can she just leave like that?" So many different emotions ran through me. Anger, disappointment, sadness, abandonment. She got inside my head. All those years of keeping people at a distance and she was the one who got through. How could I be so stupid?

I sat on the couch trying to control my breathing. Gemma sat next to me. She put her hand on my arm trying to comfort me but it did nothing.

"Harry I'm so sorry," she said. There was nothing she could say that could help me. "Julie told me she packed her things and just left. She didn't even tell Julie where she was going she just left. Give her some time. I get the impression that she is not as happy as she seems. Even before you. Don't take it to personal."

Sadness and anger mixed together washed over me. I put my head in my hands not knowing what to do. "I need some time alone."

"Harry let me help you. I'm your sister."

"Gemma. Please just leave." I looked up at her and felt a pant of guilt. None of this was her fault but she couldn't help.

She for up slowly and headed for the door. "Fine,"she said. "But please call me of you need me. I'm always here Harry."

I nodded my head and watched her leave. The hole inside my chest was growing. I was angry at Sofia for leaving without talking to me. I was angry at myself for letting my guard down. All these years I was fine. I was so angry at myself that I let myself be abandon by one more person. But she broke through some how. I have no fucking clue how. What he'll was it about her? It wasn't sex because I could easily get that from another girl. We were alike but different. She should have talked to me. I felt like shit.

My head started to hurt from all the thinking. I grabbed my keys and walked to my car. I wanted to forget the gaping hole Sofia had left. I drove for 15 minutes before parking at the bar. The place was so familiar to me. Distant memories haunted this place but I didn't care, I just wanted to forget everything. I walked in and headed straight to the bartender.

"Harry! My favorite customer! Where have you been?" Mike the bartender had been working here for years. I didn't feel like being chatty.

"Scotch. Now." I rubbed my hands on my temples.

Mike frowned at my response. "Once an asshole always an asshole," he said.

"Just shut up and do your job," I growled back at him.

He stayed silent and filled up the glass. I snatched r from his hand and gulped it down.

"I would say slow down but look moody," he said.

I glared at him. "I'll just get you another one," he said cautiously. He knew not to cross me. He filled up another glass and it was gone working seconds. I slowly felt my mind begin to blur. I drank 3 more and Sofia started to seem like a dream. The alcohol pulsed through my veins, giving me more confidence than usual.

A tall, blonde girl slid into the seat next to me.

"I like a guy who can hold his alcohol," she said to me smiling. She was the total opposite of Sofia. Sofia was a little shorter then average. This blonde had legs then went on for days. Sofia had these amazing brown eyes. They looked deep into you. The blonde's eyes were green like mine. She could help me forget Sofia. What did it matter? She abandoned me. She left without a trace.

I smiled at the tall blonde and threw back another drink.

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