Chapter 14

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Sofia's P.O.V

"Pass me my medication." Julie handed me my pain medication from the nightstand.

"You need to go back to the doctor soon."

"I know. I hate hospitals though. You know that."

"I know." Sadness flashed through her eyes. "I'll be there this time. I feel so guilty that I wasn't there before. In more ways than one."

What did she mean by that? My phone vibrated interrupting my thoughts. A text from Harry flashed from the screen. Just seeing his name made my pulse race.

* Is everything ok with you and Julie?*

*Yeah everything is fine. We're going to spend the day in.*

Two minutes later my phone vibrated again.

*Does that means now boys allowed? ;) *

I smiled as I typed.

*For now. You'll just have to be patient Styles.*

*Don't worry. I'm not going anywhere. I have a surprise tomorrow. I'll pick you up at 7:30. Wear something nice.*

*Where are we going?*

*You'll see.*

*Tell me now.*

*Look who needs patience now.*

I rolled my eyes.

*Two can play that game Styles. I'll be ready.*

* Great. I have to go. I'll text you later.*

I tried to contain myself as I put the phone down.

"Was that Harry?"

I blushed slightly. "Yeah."


"Come on. You said you would try."

"You're right. I'm sorry. I'm sure he has some redeeming qualities."

"He does. He's actually very intelligent. "

"Really he seems like the macho type. You know 'me big man, you scared'. " She laughed. I threw a pillow at her.

"Stop it. He's really smart. He loves Shakespeare like I do."

"Really? I've never met anyone who actually enjoys reading that crap."

"It's not crap! You would actually like it if you took the time to read it."

"It's too boring."

"His plays are not boring. There interesting. The plots are unique."

"I'm not having this argument with you. Let me watch something interesting." She threw the pillow back at me.

"Like I was saying, he's smart. He just hides it."

"Yeah he hides a lot of things."

"Julie" I said with a stern voice.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I'll stop."

"Thank You."

"Gemma texted me while you were sucking face."

I rolled my eyes. "What did she say?"

"She got us the meeting. It's in two days so Monday."

"That's great. Do we need to bring anything? "

"No they got everything. I'm nervous."


"Cuz this is our dream. I'm scared its not going to happen."

"I know me too. But don't lose anything can happen. If I've learned anything from the last few days its that anything Is possible."

"You know I'm always here right. I may seem harsh but I love you and I just want us to be happy. I want things to finally be good. I want us to be okay."

"I know. Things will get better Julie."

"Every once in a while I think about what happened. I still feel guilty."

"He still has his job Julie. Nothing bad really happened."

"I know but it almost did. I should have stopped. I don't know what I was thinking. I was so stupid. I never wanted to be that girl. I never wanted to be the slut who slept with her professor. When I think about it I'm just disgusted with myself."

"Look, you made a mistake. He is responsible for what happened too. You weren't some stalker psycho who went after him. It was a mutual decision. It was a mistake. Sometimes we do something wrong even though we know we shouldn't. It happens to all of us. We're just stubborn but sometimes dealing the consequences is the only way we learn. Just don't make the same mistake again. "

"I know. I just want to leave it in the past."

"We will. As soon as we ace the meeting we can finally start the future we've always wanted."

"Let's make a toast." She grabbed the hot chocolate we made earlier. " to our new future."

I grabbed my cup and brought it to hers. "To our new future. And our dreams."

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