Chapter 23

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The words echoed in my brain.

"Thanks again for saving me," I said.

"Hey," Harry said. "It's no problem."

"Next time, I'll just carry a can of pepper spray," I said laughing out loud.

"Or you can learn to fight," Harry replied.

I raised my eyebrow. "And who would teach me?" I asked. I didn't know what was coming over me. I'm usually not so forward with guys. Maybe it the alcohol, or maybe it was Harry himself. His presence was intoxicating.

He took a step forward. He towered over me, making the space between our faces smaller and smaller. My heart beat at the anticipation.

"I don't know man. Who knows?" He said stepping back.

"You're hilarious," I said rolling my eyes.

"Ii'm kidding. I can teach you a few things," he said, smirking.

"Oh," I replied. "Like what?"

"Like you need to be careful where you put your phone."

I gave Harry a confused look. "My phone?" I checked my dress pocket and did not find my phone there.

I looked up to see Harry holding out my phone in front of me smirking.

"When did you..... How?" I asked, puzzled.

"When I was getting closer. Your attention was elsewhere. You made it really easy," he said smirking once again.

I snatched my phone from him and said, "I thought you helped girls not stole from them."

"I'm a man of many surprises."

"Oh yeah? You're probably just like the rest of them." I could tell I hit a nerve.

"Oh you don't believe me?" he snapped back at me.

"Prove it." I dared him.

"I can't give away all my tricks," he said and clicked his tongue.

I rolled my eyes. Harry was right about one thing, he was full of surprises. This was not the "Heroic Harry" I had first met or the "Nervous Harry" I encountered when he came back to check on him. I couldn't get a read on him.

"That's because you have none," I threw back at him.

"Sassy. 'And though she be but little, she is fierce.'"

My jaw dropped wide open. "Did you just quote Shakespeare?"

Harry leaned down and whispered in my ear "I told you. Man of MANY surprises."

Surprises, surprises. The word rang in my head over and over again. Suddenly I could not see anything else but pitch black. I felt like I was being strangled. I could not get air into my lungs.

I flung open my eyes and gasped for air. I looked around and rapidly remembered where I was. I leaned over trying to slow down my heart rate.

"Are you okay?" the lady next to me asked. She was an elderly lady who looked at me with pity in her eyes.

"Yes. I'm fine. Thank you for asking," I replied to her.

I turned a little in my seat and looked out the window. I had never flown alone before. I was usually with Julie. I felt bad just leaving her like that after everything she's done for me but I had to get out of there. My heart was broken. When I had found the sonogram in Harry's stand I felt the ground swallow me hole. I felt so stupid and embarrassed. Julie was right. Of course she was right. What the hell was I thinking?

I squeezed my eyes shut. The tears spilled over my eyes despite the fight I had put up to keep them in. Harry was all wrong for me. I recall my earlier dream. That was the start of the conversation we had at the party where I had met Gemma. We spend hours talking after that little exchange. I only made a fool of myself. Shakespeare was right. "Lord what fools these mortals be." I was one of them. I made an idiot of myself chasing after Harry. What makes me angry is that I wish I could be with him right now. I hated myself for wondering what he was doing without me. My heart ached at the thought.

Harry's P.O.V

My head was spinning from the alcohol. My adrenaline was pumping. This was my life before why couldn't it be like that again? I had a hell of a time. The friends, the girls. No one gave a fuck. I shouldn't give a fuck. That was my mistake. Caring. I shouldn't care. I shouldn't care about Sofia. I shouldn't be worried about her or if she ran away to be with the "perfect" guy. I shouldn't care what she thinks of me or why she left.

I take another looked at the blonde next to me. She was definitely hot. I shouldn't be thinking about this. Another lifetime ago I wouldn't have thought about it. I take another drink and slam on the table. It was time to not give a fuck.

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