Everything's changing

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Karly POV
"Karly there's a letter here for you too," Harry said.
         He handed me a letter. An owl had just arrived outside of the train window with two letters. One for Harry and apparently one for me. I opened the letter and read it quickly.
Dear Karly,
       I wish I could have talked to you more earlier. There's so much I want to tell you, but not enough time or parchment. Your mother could explain more than me. I have her phone number written on the back. I hope it still works.
Stay in touch. I want to stay in your life now that I can.
                                    With love,
                               your father Sirius
             I turned the letter over to see a phone number. And a name. Emma Swan. That was my mom's name.
            "What did he say in yours Karly?" Ron asked.
             I sighed and showed them all my letter.
             "More things to tell you? As if learning who your dad is isn't enough." Hermione said.
              "Tell me about it," I replied.
               "Are you gonna do it. Call her, I mean?" Harry asked.
               I sighed. I really didn't know. It would be nice to talk to my mother, ask her some thing's.
              "I'll call her when we get back," I said.
              "Hey maybe you can invite her over. Dad might get tickets to the quidditch World Cup, maybe you can invite her to come with us?" Ron suggested.
             I smiled, " that's not a bad idea Ron."
            He blushed. Some people would think that Ron and I had a crush on each other. But we didn't. Ron has a crush on Hermione. And I have a crush on George. Everyone knew about my crush, so I could never figure out why they thought me and Ron should get together.
           We pulled into the station. We got off the train. George was behind me.
            "Do you think I can talk to you when we get home?" He whispered.
           I smiled and nodded.
           We said goodbye to Harry and Hermione and I went home with the rest of the Weasley's like normal. When we got back the Burrow, George pulled me aside in the garden.
             "What did you want to-" I was cut off when George kissed me.
             He pulled me close to him and I wrapped my arms around his neck. I started threading my fingers through his red hair. He did the same with my black hair.
             We kissed for a long time, until we thought the others would start looking for us. Not that I wouldn't mind them knowing, I mean everyone knew I had a crush on George. And I mean literally everyone.
          "I really like you Karly Black," George whispered into my ear.
            I smiled, "I really like you too George Weasley."
           We kissed again but not for long. I eventually pulled away.
           I walked inside and went over to the phone. I was the one who insisted we needed it. I knew almost as much about the muggle world as Mr. Weasley. And I thought that the phone was genius. Plus it was dead useful a lot of the time.
           My dad had left a number on the back of the letter. I dialed and hoped someone answered.
           "Hello," a female voice answered.
           "Hello, is this Emma Swan?"
           "Yes, who is this?"
           "My name is Karly Black. I'm your daughter," please don't freak out!
           There was no answer for a bit. Then she said something again.
            "I never thought I'd be able to talk to you! how are you?" She said.
            Relived that she didn't freak out I replied, "I'm great! I just finished my third year at the school I'm going to and I finally met Dad."
             "I'm glad. I wish I could talk to you in person."
             "Maybe you can. Do you think you could come here sometime this summer?"
              "I think I can, and I can bring your brother too," my mom tells me.
              I smiled, "great."
              We talked a little longer and we figured out a plan for the summer. And i found out about my brother.
              I finally hung up. I just talked to my mother, I thought. A year ago if you had told me I would ever talk to or even get a chance to meet my parents I would have said you were crazy.
             I walked outside again, enjoying the fresh air and the nature around me. The sun was setting, Mrs. Weasley was cooking dinner, Mr. Weasley was still at work, and everyone else was scattered around the house.
            I closed my eyes and breathed in deeply.
            Suddenly someone grabbed me. I screamed, someone tried to stop me by putting their hand over my mouth, but the damage was done.
           Fred, George, Ginny, and Mrs. Weasley came running out. But before they could help me, whoever was holding me transported us away. I heard George scream my name before we left and start running towards me. But it has been too late. When we got to wherever we were, the person who kidnaped me hit me on the head, hard. Everything went black and I passed out, before I could say or do anything.

(A/N hope you like this chapter. I know that Emma's reaction is probably far form how she would actually react but I really don't know how to fix that. She'll act more like she does later I promise. This will probably be the start to its own series, but that's if people like this one a lot. Please comment and vote!)

Updated 1/23/17

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