Somethings off

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Emma POV

               I had to leave Karly for a second to stop Sirius from throwing Neal off the boat. Why can't men just get along.
Flashback to a little bit ago
Karly had just fallen asleep and George was with her. I smiled when I saw he fell asleep with his arm around her. They love each other, I thought. I was drawn from my thoughts when Neal and Sirius started fighting.
            "Oh gosh, why?" I whispered to myself.
            Before I could intervene, Sirius turned into a big black dog and tackled Neal. He was about to fall out of the boat.
                     End flashback
          "Break it up you two. Sirius get off him!" I yelled at them.
          Sirius looked at me with sad puppy dog eyes. I gave him a look that made him cave. He jumped off and I helped Neal stand up.
"Okay I don't want to know what you two were fighting about, so just leave each other alone," I said.
           Sirius grumbled a little and Neal moved very far from Sirius. It was slightly amusing but I didn't do anything else with them. I went back to Karly and George who were still asleep. I looked over at Henry, who was talking to Felix, the oldest lost boy.
                I was very confused, why was Henry talking to Felix. Earlier Henry wouldn't go anywhere near Felix by now he was freely talking to him. It wasn't right. Something wasn't right. I wanted to go over to see what was going on, but I was stopped when I saw Karly.
She was moving around, like she was having a nightmare. George woke up, he looked like he knew what was going on. He pulled Karly onto his lap and whispered into her ear. Karly looked like she was calming down, but was still having the nightmare. I moved over to him.
"What's going on?" I asked.
"Almost two years ago, Karly had a very... traumatic experience. She was forced to do something that wasn't right, but she didn't know what she was doing. Actually it was Ginny, my sister, who started this originally. That blasted diary, it caused all this," George explained, and almost yelling the last part.
I was shocked and looked at my daughter who was probably still having the nightmare. Who could do that to such a sweet girl. A sweet innocent girl. Why do people always want to hurt my family. She didn't deserve that, no one deserved it.
"Emma, I've got her. She'll be okay, this happens a lot. But don't tell anyone else, Karly doesn't want a lot of people to know. I don't even know if Sirius knows," George tried to reassure me.
His reassurance wasn't very reassuring. What did he mean 'Karly doesn't want a lot of people to know.' Why does she not want anyone to know? What was going on that was so bad Sirius didn't even know?
            Everything was off. Something was wrong with Henry, and now this with Karly.
I'm the worst mother ever.

(A/N hi! Please comment and vote! I really want to know what you all think!)

Updated 2/9/17

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