Welcome to Storybrook

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Karly POV

               The night was eventful. I had another nightmare, well two to be exact. One of the normal ones, and when I woke up again George comforted me until I fell asleep again. The second one scared me more than any of the other ever have. But then again Pan had definitely gotten to me.
The nightmare wasn't long. But it sure scared me. It was Pan, kissing me, and then taking my heart out and killing me.
                 I really needed to stop having near death experiences. They were keeping me from sleeping. Actually the only reason I slept anymore was because George and Ginny insisted I slept.
I didn't sleep after the second nightmare, I couldn't. And I spent the entire time between the time of the nightmare and the time we (finally) landed in Storybrook to forget it. It actually worked!
I talked to mom and Wendy a lot. They both couldn't sleep either so it worked out perfectly. But I eventually convinced Wendy to sleep, at least a little.
When we landed in Storybrook it was... interesting. I couldn't ever remember being in America, though I'm sure I have considering that my mom is from here. I thought the town was adorable. Small too. But I didn't mind small. But it wasn't the town that made it so interesting, it was the people.
After I couldn't sleep, mom started telling me all about Storybrook and the people there.
Growing up with the Weasley's I knew next to nothing about muggle stories. Well I used to know next to nothing. Being friends with Hermione, and taking Muggle Studies last year made me sort of familiar to their fairy tales. To be honest I liked the wizard stories better. Especially now, since there was no Peter Pan.
I really wanted to meet the people I had been hearing stories about. From my class and mom. They all sound so interesting. And I wanted to know more about the people who my mom and Henry know and love.
            There was a splash of water as we landed in Storybrook. I tensed, scared at the idea of meeting all these people. Everyone was now awake and George put his arm around me. Apparently he sensed that I was tense because he whispered in my ear.
"Hey, don't freak out. It'll be okay."
I nodded and he kissed my cheek. But then I turned to face him and kissed him on the lips.
"Hey you two lovebirds, why don't you do that after you met everyone?" Hook said.
I pulled away from George and blushed. George was blushing to, I noticed. He took my hand and we started walking off the boat.
There were some people hugging others, I really couldn't tell anymore. There were so many people. I absentmindedly squeezed George's hand. He looked at me.
"Don't be nervous," he said, practically reading my mind.
"To late," I said jokingly.
"Hey I'm the jokester here," he said teasingly.
"Aw, I can't join you and Fred in tormenting Filch?" I said in mock sadness.
"Fred might think you'll distract me."
"I might what?" Fred asked as he walked over to us.
                "You might think I'll distract your dear brother here if I join you in the pranking fun," I said matter of factly.
                He looked like he was scanning me.
                "Yep. You already distract him enough. And there's no way you can help pull of pranks as well as us," Fred said.
                "Oh come on, my dad is Sirius Black. One of the Marauders that you two look up to. Padfoot, remember him from that map you gave to Harry, yeah that's my dad. I think I might have gotten the pranking genes," I said with a roll of my eyes.
"Wait what?!" He said and I laughed.
                 "Oh yeah, and Harry's dad James was Prongs," I said.
                  Fred's jaw dropped and he started stammering. George and I were laughing. George already knew because I told him so it wasn't a shock to him.
Finally the people dispersed, and mom was able to take us to where she calls home. Henry, for some reason, went home with Regina. I didn't get it, I thought he would want to spend this time with us and all of his new family? Mom didn't get it either but we still went back to her place (technically my grandparents place but my mom was staying there) after dinner at this amazing diner. I mean nothing can top Mrs. Weasley's cooking, but this sure was a close second.
I loved the house. It was so cute and even though it was small it had this feeling of a place you want to be.
"Alright, since Henry isn't here there's more space in the upper area of the loft. So just find a place to sleep and-" Grandpa started but I cut him off when I looked out the window.
"George! Fred! One of the school owls is outside," I said and ran over to the window.
"But school doesn't start for another few months, right? Wait what month is it?" George asked.
"It's June," grandma said as I opened the window to let the owl in.
"Well that's definitely a school owl, but it's way to early for them. And there would be more if they were our school letters. Remember, mine always came separate from yours and the rest of the Weasley's," I said.
               The owl flew into the room and landed on the kitchen counter. There was only one letter on its leg. Fred went to untie it off.
             "Wait what's going on? And what kind of a school sends owls to its students?" Grandpa said.
              "Hogwarts," dad said mater of factly, "well Hogwarts, Ilvermorny, Beauxbatons, and Durmstrang. Those are the four wizarding schools I know at least, obviously there are more scattered around the world."
"Wait there are more wizarding schools? I thought there was only Hogwarts," Fred said.
"Of course there's more, Hogwarts can't fit that many children. But that's not the point. Why is there an owl from Hogwarts now?" I said.
George and Fred shrugged. I looked at my dad, who also didn't have a clue. Everyone else just looked plain confused.
"Dad, did you not tell them yet?" I asked coming to a realization.
             "No, I was a little preoccupied," he said coming to the same conclusion.
             "Tell us what?" Mom asked.
              "Emma do you remember that one thing I told you, that Karly might end up having?" Dad asked.
               Mom's eyes went wide.
                "Now I do, and everything makes so much more sense. Everyone else at that house were wizards to, weren't they?"
                "I'm so confused, what is going on?" Grandma asked.
                "We are wizards. Fred, Sirius, Karly, myself, our entire families, Harry, Hermione, and a lot of others. They all go to or went to our school or apparently another school that I've never heard of," George said.
                "Speaking of wizards, George is my wand back home? Because I don't have it and I know I didn't have it with me in Neverland," I said.
               "Yeah, mum has it," he said.
               I sighed in relief. I did not want to get a different wand. I liked my aspen and Phoenix feather wand too much.
"Wait, so you all have magic?" Grandpa asked.
"Yep, but we use a wand to harness it," dad said.
"I forgot about that, you showed me yours once," Mom said.
My grandparents looked at her shocked.
"If you remember that then why did it take so long for you to believe," Grandpa... you know that's just getting weird calling them that, David asked.
"I'm sorry if a ten year old came to you, told you he was your son, and then said your parents were Snow White and Prince Charming and that they and every other fairy tale character was under a curse, I don't think you would believe it to. Wizards is easier to believe than all that," mom said.
I thought the same. It was easier to believe. It was hard to think about.
"Karly, I think you need to go to bed," dad said.
I was tired. But I wasn't going to sleep. Sleep meant nightmares, and I didn't want more of those.
"No I'm fine..." the ground rushed up to meet me.
George caught me before I hit the floor. He picked me up bridal style and started taking me upstairs.
"No! The owl, the letter," I said, fighting to stay awake.
"We'll read the letter, you need sleep," he said softly.
"No, I can't. I can't sleep," I said.
I couldn't have more nightmares. I didn't want to relive it all again, over and over.
"Hey, hey, it's going to be okay. I'll be there in two seconds if you need me, and all you need to remember is that it's just a dream," he said.
But it wasn't just a dream. These were memories, memories of things I would like to forget. But before I could protest, the darkness of sleep over came me.

Updated 2/9/17

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