Things just got worse

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George POV

I smiled down at Karly, who had just fell asleep, and carried her up the stairs. I had to fight the urge, like always, to bend down and kiss her. I let her sleep though, mostly because almost her entire family was watching. As I laid her down on the bed upstairs, I gently kissed her. There was no way I was resisting anymore, especially since no one was watching. She slept on, which was good for us and her because she needed the sleep. And we needed her to sleep. I walked back downstairs to where everyone was.
"Is she okay?" Sirius asked.
"She fine, just really tired," I said and it looked like Sirius and Emma sighed in relief.
"Okay, well I got the letter off the owl," Fred said.
"Who's it for?" Emma asked.
Fred looked at the letter, "George and Fred Weasley, Sirius and Karly Black, and Emma Swan."
"So pretty much all of us?" I said.
"Yep. Should I open it?" Fred asked.
"Might as well, we can tell Karly when she wakes up," I said.
He ripped open the seal. Inside was two pieces of parchment.
"Who are they from?" Emma asked.
I walked over to Fred to see as well.
"One's from Dumbledor and the other is from," he stopped and sighed, " the other's from mum."
Oh great. This was just great. Owls from mum never went well for us. We were lucky when they weren't howlers, as Karly often teased us with.
"You two read the one from your mum, we can read-" Sirius was cut off by a scream.
I ran up the stairs before he could finish.
Karly was crying. Her head was on her knees with her arms covering her face. I sat down next to her and pulled her towards me.
"Hey, hey, it's okay," I whispered, pulling my fingers through her black curls.
"He's up to something. I know it. He's going to keep me away from you," she said.
"Hey, it's okay. It was just a dream. Pan can't hurt you."
"It wasn't just a dream, they never are. Don't leave me George," she said.
I pulled her closer and let her cry. I didn't ask what she meant, about them not being just dreams.
I hate Pan so much. Why did he have to do this to her. She didn't deserve to go through that. After the Chamber of Secrets, she didn't need that. So much for saying you love her, I thought. He said that he loved her, for a long time. Then why the heck did he do that to her. It made no sense.
I finally rocked Karly back to sleep. I slowly got up, and left her there to sleep. I walked downstairs. They all looked worried.
"If your worried about Karly, she's fine," I said as I got down the stairs.
"It's not just that," Sirius said.
I looked at them and sighed, "what was in the letters?"
Fred handed me them. I read through the one from Dumbledor quickly.

Dear Mr. Black, Mr. Weasley, Mr. Weasley, and Ms. Swan,
I'm afraid of a problem facing Ms. Karly Black. For a long time I have had my suspicions, but now I fear they may be correct. The Malfoy family, may have something in store for Karly and I'm afraid none of you will like it. Having it been thought that Karly is a pureblood witch it works well with their plan. If my suspicions are correct, they plan to make Mr. Draco Malfoy marry Ms. Karly.
I don't think you would like this to happen, so we must create a plan to stop this. I will keep in touch if you think of anything that can help or if I think of anything myself.
Professor Dumbledor

Oh gosh. No, no, no, no, no, no! No! There's no way I'd let her marry that arrogant git. I'd rather be killed by you-know-who then see that happen.
"I don't know who this Draco is, but by the looks on your faces this definitely isn't good," Emma said.
"No it's not. And be glad you haven't met him," Fred said.
Emma looked really confused.
"He's an arrogant, selfish, git who doesn't know when to shut up and can't do anything without bending the rules in his favor," I said.
"That pretty much sums it up," Sirius said.
I looked at him confused, "how do you know what Malfoy's like?"
"Because I know his family. And I bet anything he's a lot like them."
"That doesn't matter right now. Do we tell Karly?" Emma asked.
Um, no. She's going through enough. We don't need to add another thing onto that.
"Let's wait, now isn't a great time," Fred said practically reading my mind. Emma and Sirius nodded in agreement.
              "What was in the other letter?" I asked.
             Fred handed me a piece of parchment, "she wrote one for each of us. Explains why the envelope felt so thick."
             I laughed and read the letter quickly.
Dear George,
I've been so worried! Not being able to know if your okay or not. Oh just hurry and come home. Make sure you all come home!
I love you, come back on one piece!
              "She's such a mother hen."
             Fred agreed with a laugh. I laughed too then walked back up the stairs. Karly was still asleep, but restless. I sat down next to her, and pulled her to me so her head was against my chest. I put my arms around her waist. It felt so right.
               I imagined, briefly, what it would be like if Karly and Malfoy were together. I couldn't do it, it was sickening to think about. Instead I thought about if Karly and I got married.
              I could imagine her in a white dress walking down the aisle, her trying to keep me in line, her holding our first kid, waking up with her next to me, and so much more. I wanted to have a future with Karly, so badly. She was the only one I wanted to have a future with. And I was sick of people like Pan and Malfoy and Tom Riddle ruining it.
                Karly moved around some more and moaned a little in her sleep. I stroked her hair and whispered into her ear until she was still and calm again. And once I saw she was asleep and calm, I fell asleep myself.
                        Next day
            I felt Karly's lips against mine as she woke me up by kissing me.
            "Good morning beautiful," I said.
            "Good morning, how did you sleep?" She asked as I opened my eyes.
Her hair was up in a ponytail and her blue eyes were a comforting sight to see. She had changed into a sea blue sweater and jeans, even though it was end of June. I smiled, that's all I ever needed to see.
            "Amazing, what about you?"
             Something clouded her eyes. Sadness, fear? I couldn't tell.
             "Great, never better," she was lying, I knew it. She could never lie to me, I knew how to tell when she was lying. She always frowned the tiniest bit when she was lying.
             "Don't lie Karly, tell me the truth," I said.
             "I'm not lying," she said, appalled.
              I raised an eyebrow, "Karly, don't try and hide it. Unless you want me to get it out of you."
"You wouldn't dare," she said.
I smiled, "Oh I dare."
I started tickling her and she squealed out.
"Stop! Stop!" She said between laughs.
"No! Not until you tell me the truth."
I kept tickling her and she kept laughing. Well until Sirius and Emma came running up the stairs.
"Is everything okay up here?" Emma asked.
I stopped, and we sat up. Karly slowed down her breathing as she calmed down.
"Yeah, we're fine," she said.
I looked at her. Her hair was falling out of its ponytail and into its natural curly sate. Her eyes were bright and happy and she had a huge grin. That's better than before, I thought. I loved messing up things, and making them better. That was who I was.
               Emma's phone rang. She answered and looked like she might drop the phone.
             "Emma, what is it?" Sirius asked.
            She didn't answer. She ran downstairs. Sirius ran after her. Karly looked at me, scared.
"Let's go," I said and we got up and ran downstairs.
Everyone down there looked scared.
"Come on," David said and they all ran outside with me and Karly following them.
We ran outside and to this place. I didn't know how to describe it except as a place that I would definitely not be allowed inside of. There was a woman and... a shadow? Yeah a shadow. And the shadow just ripped out the woman's shadow. Karly's hand flew to her mouth as she stopped herself from screaming. I took her other hand and squeezed it.
             Henry and Regina ran up.
             "What happened?" Regina asked.
            "Pan's shadow, it took Blue's  shadow," Mary Margret said.
             David bent down to check her pulse. When he looked back at us I already knew what he was going to say.
            "She's dead," he said.
            "It's Pan, he's after us again," Henry said and looked at Karly.
            "But Pan's trapped in Pandora's box, he can't get out," Emma said, and it looked like only Regina understood.
            "Does it matter? He's controlling his shadow somehow," Regina said, "we need to get Henry and Karly somewhere safe."
             "Your vault," Henry said.
              "Henry, I'm not so sure that's a good idea," Emma said.
              I didn't understand anything that happened. All I knew is when they were done arguing, Karly and Henry were going with Regina to her 'vault', whatever that was. I went with The others, against my will.
           "No! I should be staying with her!" I yelled as Fred held me back from running after them.
           "No, the less people that go there the better," Emma said.
           She looked concerned. But I didn't really care. I should be with her, not here.
            "I'll go talk to Gold, Sirius, can you take the twins back to the loft?" Emma asked.
             "No! I need to be doing something!" I yelled.
            "Yeah I can," Sirius said.
              "Come on George, it's gonna be okay," Fred said.
             I wanted to protest but Fred and Sirius started dragging me back to the loft.
            Great, I thought, things just got worse, and they were just getting great.

(A/N so, reading back I realized I forgot a lot and missed some huge details. I am going to do some major editing when this is done, so don't worry. Also there will be a sequel to this, it's already got a title and a cover and I've started the draft. But anyways, please comment and vote, and thank you all)

Updated 2/11/17

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