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Karly POV
             Mom and Regina came back up the stairs with Henry.
               "Okay, maybe sleep isn't such a great idea," Regina said.
                "At least not where we can't see you," Mom.  
                Henry nodded and went over to the lost boys.
               "George can you help me with this rope?"
                George sighed, "yeah. Now I have to go help your grandfather."
                 I smiled, I never thought I'd ever here those words come out of George's mouth.
"Now you are not going anywhere!" He said, emphasizing the anywhere.
I rolled my eyes, "fine," I said with a sigh.
He smiled and kissed me on the cheek. Then he got up and walked away. I sighed again, and mom came over.
"Not letting you go anywhere?" She asked and I nodded.
"He's being a tad overprotective at the moment," I said with a laugh.
"He's not the only one who's going to be overprotective," dad says walking over.
I shivered then, it was really cold and the dress was no help in warmth. Mom handed me something red.
"Here, I'm guessing you didn't purposely wear that here," mom said.
I realized it it was a red leather jacket. I smiled gratefully, and put it on. I love red leather.
"No, Pan forced me to wear this for some reason. Never got a chance to ask why. But as soon as we get back I'm not staying in this thing. I'm getting straight into a pair of jeans and the jumper Mrs. Weasley knit for me," I said, and laughed a little at the last part.
"You might have five jumpers by the time we're back. I think Molly was halfway through her second one by the time we left," dad said jokingly.
"Sirius, do us a favor and shut up," mom said.
Dad smiled, "something's never change. Your still the same Emma Swan we all met."
"And your the same cocky, obnoxious, and self absorbed marauder I met," mom retaliated.
That made dad go speechless. Me too. What happened when they met?, I thought.
                Dad moved away, apparently not wanting to get mom angry. I smiled at this. Mom also smiled, and sat down next to me. We watched dad go over to Neal and start staring him down from a slight distance. It was funny to watch them stare at each other. Neither wanting to be defeated by the other. I heard mom sigh.
             "What did dad mean by something never change?" I asked.
               "Oh, he just meant that I have not changed at all since we met. Which is completely true," mom said.
                "How did you guys met?" Having never had a normal conversation with my mom besides the one on the phone I was eager to know more.
                "Well I had just left the foster system again, and I spot some lost tourists. I helped them find their hotel and we started talking. I spent a week with them and I grew really close to Sirius, which was a miracle considering how things started. I mean, I did yell at him and slap him when he started acting like ladies man, who in reality was more like an obnoxious jerk. Things kinda went from there after we got close. They went back and almost a month later. I heard from Sirius a lot. When you were born Sirius came back. I couldn't take care of you and Sirius had a place, so you went back with him. I got a lot of letters for a couple of months. At the end of October I got one more and then they just stoped."
Wow, that was my parents full story, up until that night. Most people don't realize that my life changed just as much as Harry's that night. We both in a way lost our parents. But I always felt horrible, because at least my parents were still alive.
The boat started moving and we headed home. When we got into the air it felt amazing. Cold, but amazing. After a few hours I fell asleep, with George by my side and my parents nearby.

(A/N please comment and vote! Thank you all!)

Updated 2/9/17

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