I love her

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George POV

"Not again," I muttered as I saw Pan take Karly away.
We had been in Neverland for few days now. And it took almost as long to explain the story of Peter Pan to dad. By the third hour we gave up and decided dad would be staying at the house with a few other people. There actually weren't a lot of us.
Harry, Ron, and Hermione wanted to come but mum and Sirius put their foot down on them not coming. I had argued and argued with mum and dad to be able to come.
Eventually I won and I convinced mum to let Fred come with us to. Sirius, Emma, Regina, Mary Margret, David, Captain Hook, and Mr. Gold.
We had been searching for Karly and Henry when Pan showed up. He gave Emma a riddle, that when Regina tried to solve using magic almost killed us. Eventually Emma figured it out and we started heading towards Pan's camp. There was some plan that was made but all I cared about was getting Karly back. As I was thinking about her I saw Karly threw the trees. But she was with Pan. I couldn't believe what she was wearing. Even though she looked gorgeous in that dress, it wasn't her.
          I got the rest of our groups attention.
          "I found Karly! She's with Pan," I mouthed so that Pan wouldn't hear us.
           They all came over. But when I turned around I saw something that made me lose it. Pan was kissing Karly.
          "Ah heck no," I said and started running.
           "George!" Fred said and started running after me which made the rest of the group follow us.
I heard Karly yelling at Pan.
"What the heck! What the heck is wrong with you?" She yelled and I smiled at this.
"Karly, I love you. I've loved you for a long time. I know you used to love me-" Pan said but Karly cut him off quickly.
       "I've never loved you. And I never will. And your efforts to try and make me love you are too late. I love George, I have for a long time. You are too late to change my mind," she said.
I ran faster, wanting to get to her as soon as could so I could punch Pan in the face for kissing my girl.
Pan must have heard our footsteps because he grabbed Karly around the waist and started flying away. I heard Karly yelling and ran as fast as I could to try and keep up with them. Fred stopped me from jumping into the ocean.
            "How do we get over there?" I asked.
           "George your not going over there," Sirius said, "I promised your mother that I would keep you out of danger-"
           "Who cares! The girl I love has just been taken twice by this guy and I'm ready to beat the crap out of him," I yelled.
            "George, you and Fred are under age. You can't use magic without getting expelled. You are not coming!" Sirius yelled back at us.
            "George let us handle this," Emma said.
            "No, I'm coming. I don't care about getting expelled. I just want to get Karly back. And I don't care if you forbid me I'm going!" I yelled
"Your mum is going to kill me," Sirius muttered.
"So that's a yes I'm guessing," I said.
"Yes you can come. Mom, dad, Regina you guys go get Henry. The rest of us will go get Karly. Regina can you transport us over there?" Emma asked.
Regina nodded, and a ring of smoke surrounded us. When it disappeared we were on an island.
"That was like apparating but with out all the dizziness, and the fear of splinching," Sirius said.
          Emma laughed a little and it looked like Captain Hook rolled his eyes a little. For a moment I wondered if anything was going on between them but decided that Karly was more important. And when I heard something hit something else hard I panicked.
             "KARLY!," I yelled as I ran up the stone steps I had seen.
             When I got up the stairs I saw something that terrified me. And I hoped with all my heart wasn't true.

(A/N hope you liked this chapter. Please comment and vote! I really would like to know what you think.)

Updated 1/26/17

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