Another rescue, another curse, another life

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George POV

              "I told you! I told you, I told you, I told you!" I yelled at Emma and Sirius.
              Great, this was just bloody brilliant. Henry's trapped in Pan's body. Pan's in Henry's body. Pan had the curse that brought everyone who was from here, here. And Karly was with Pan, again!
           "We get it George! We screwed this up, you don't have to keep reminding us!" Emma said.
           "If it makes you feel any better, Pan can't use Karly's heart for the curse," Regina said.
           That didn't help, because I remembered something they kept forgetting. There were other ways than magic to get to her heart. But I prayed that only I remembered that.
          "We need to talk to Gold again, he can help us switch me and Pan back," Henry said.
           It was weird having Henry in Pan's body. Mostly because I wanted to punch Pan repeatedly for hurting Karly and for taking her, twice.
           Everyone agreed and they started heading out the door. Fred and I followed them.
          "No," Sirius said, "you can't come."
           "I don't bloody care if I'm underage or that mum will kill you and us. I'm going! She's the girl I love, and you expect me not to help save her!" I yelled.
            "I expect you to understand that Karly will need you more when we get her back. And for you not to die trying to help her, because then your not helping at all," Sirius said.
              I groaned and flung myself on one of the beds. I swore under my breath and waited till the rest of them (except Fred) to leave.
              "Your going to go out there aren't you?" Fred asked.
           "Heck yes. And I'm going to make Pan sorry he ever messed with the people I care about."
I ran to the door, Fred not far behind me, yanked it open and started running out.
"So where would Pan take Karly?"
"No clue. But since the smoke cloud is coming from that direction I'm guessing we go that way," I said, pointing to the big, purple cloud of smoke coming towards the town.
"Yeah that's a bloody big indicator."
We started running towards it. We came up to a hill, where the smoke was coming from. I ran up it faster than I ever thought I could run. Fred was having a hard time keeping up with me. I saw Karly and Henry- well Pan- at the top of the hill. Karly was chained to a tree, struggling against her bonds. Henry was watching her, and thinking back on it, it was really creepy. I really don't know how else to describe it.
Fred held me back from charging up the rest of the way up the hill.
"If you go up there now, you'll probably end up either dead or unconscious. And I don't want a dead twin and your no help to her either way," Fred whispered.
I nodded and watched them. We were crouched down so they couldn't see us. But suddenly Henry/Pan collapsed. I didn't think twice before running up to Karly and getting her off that tree.
"George! Did-did you do that?"
"No. I don't know what happened to him. Are you okay?"
I got the chains off and she hugged me.
"I was so scared. But I'm fine."
I hugged her tighter, not wanting to let her go. Fred came up beside us.
"Uh, hate to ruin the moment, but the little demon is stirring," Fred said and pointed to Henry.
"Hey! Pans a demon, but Henry isn't," Karly said defensively, "and if you call him that again, well just remember I live with you. And I know all your weaknesses and fears."
Fred gulped and I held a laugh. Our attention was drawn back to Henry/Pan, when he made a noise.
Henry/Pans eyes opened. He looked confused. Then he saw us.
"Karly! Fred! George! It's me, Henry. They switched me back."
              "How do we know it's really you?" Fred asked suspiciously.
             Karly moved forward. She kneeled down to look Henry straight in the eyes.
            "The first time we met I had a nightmare. What was it about?"
             "You never told me. Because I never asked. I was more worried about you being alright."
              Karly smiled and hugged Henry. That was all the proof we needed. And if Karly trusted him, I did.
        "We need to get back to town," I said and we all nodded and ran down the hill to the street.
           We got back to Main Street and ran to the rest of our group. Regina did something with a scroll Henry handed her. Pan found us not too long after, and froze us where we were.
            "It's too late, the curse has been cast. And no kiss will break this one," Pan said.
             He walked over to Karly, unfroze her, and pulled her towards him. I wanted to yell at him not to get near her, but I couldn't. I heard Karly whimper in fright a little. Her breathing was heavy and she looked terrified. Pan looked so happy though.
              "You all thought you could stop me, but look at me now. I don't need Neverland when I can have here. With the girl I want all to myself."
               Over my dead body! There was no way I'd ever let that happen. Karly gave me a terrified look. I wanted to be able to move and help her. I knew that if Karly was stuck with Pan, as 'his girl', she couldn't survive. I knew that she'd kill herself after too long, and I couldn't, no wouldn't, let that happen.
             The spell Pan had cast made my head all fuzzy and I couldn't remember what happened. Well until the spell was lifted. Karly ran into my arms and sobbed.
            "I was so scared," she whispered.
            It took me a second to understand what had happened. Pan was dead (thank Merlin) but his curse was still coming.
             We got to the town line, where they were going to fix the curse, and we were going to say goodbye to Emma and Henry who were going to leave. Henry wouldn't go anywhere when the curse was fixed. Those of us from England would be sent back home, so it wouldn't effect us. Henry would still be here and so Regina said that Emma had to take Henry out of here.
           "Take Karly too," Sirius said all of a sudden.
            "What?!" Karly asked, "No, I can't. What about school and everything else?"
             "You'll be safer with your mom," he said calmly.
             I wasn't calm. I couldn't loose Karly again! Not ever again. But I remembered the letter from Dumbledor and realized what I had to do.
             "I can't! My life is back home-"
             I cut her off, "you need to go with Emma and Henry."
             She stared at me. Her eyes started filling with tears, as did mine.
            I kissed her, before even thinking. I didn't care that her family was watching or Fred. I needed her to go and have her best chance. And especially make sure there was no way she could marry Malfoy.
             "I love you," I whispered in her ear when we pulled apart.
              Tears were streaming down her face, "Don't do this."
            "I don't want to, but I need to," I said and pushed her towards the car.
             She kissed me again. Why does saying goodbye have to be so dang hard? I pulled away and pushed her the rest of the way to the car.
             Karly got in and when Emma and Henry got in the car they started driving. Fred put a hand on my shoulder to help me stay strong and not break down. The purple smoke that had been coming started surrounding us but I barely noticed.
           All I could think about is that Karly could no longer remember me. She was someone else, and I didn't know if I would ever see or get my Karly back.
            When the smoke cleared I saw home. The Burrow. Mum ran out the door and to us.
            "Oh thank Merlin! Your back! Where's Karly."
            I blocked out what Fred said. Not wanting to hear what we just did again.
           Karly Black, I swear I will get you back. Even if it's the last thing I do.

(A/N so that's the end of book one! Yay! Please comment and vote and the next book will be up soon I hope! Thanks for reading!)

Updated 2/11/17

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